Then (2 years earlier)

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Pulling off her scrub cap, in a haste, Meredith quickly left the O.R. Her patient had just died and it never gets easier when she loses someone, whose family was counting her to save them.

Because she's Meredith Grey, the great surgical legend Meredith Grey. Whose mother was a surgical legend. And whose legend she has to live up to everyday. But sometimes she wants forget about all that.

Forget she's an award winning surgeon. Sometimes she just wants to be a mother to her three beautiful children. She just wants be a sister and someone's bestfriend. Without the weight of someone else's life in her hands.

Her shift was sent to end in 20 minutes. 20 minutes too long; her day had been terrible. She had awoken with a terrible headache and on top of that Andrew had just told her he had officially asked Sam to move in with him.

After announcing to herself that she was hopelessly in love with her BestFriend she couldn't look at him without thinking back to what she wrote on a piece of paper; now stuck in her bedside table.

"I am hopelessly in love with you...."

"Grey be careful" A voice called as she collided with an empty hospital gurney. Finally, being pulled from her thoughts she looked up at the figure now standing above her.

Richard reached his hand out to help her up from her place on the ground. "Hey, are you okay?" Richard asked as he noticed the lost look in her eyes.

"I- yeah I'm fine it was just a little fall" Meredith replied dusting herself off.

"You know that's not what I meant."

Meredith stared pointedly back at him as he returned her stare. She couldn't do it. She couldn't pretend to be fine, especially in front of him. Breaking eye contact, she looked towards the ground shaking her head negatively.

Richard sighed and looked around to make sure no one had noticed Meredith's current state. Meredith doesn't like for people to see her as weak and he wouldn't let some intern think that of her. If it was up to him.

Wrapping his arm around her shoulders he guided her through the hallway quickly leading her into the elevator so he could bring her to his office.

He just hoped no one would decide to take this particular elevator. He wanted to protect her from other people's gaze because she was his almost daughter. And she was his family. So whatever it took for her to feel better he would do.

The elevator dinged signaling their floor. Guided her quickly, down the hall, he opened his office door. Letting her in he pulled out a chair for her to sit on.

By now she was looking up at him with a face saying she didn't want to talk about what was bothering her.

"Will you please tell me what's bothering you?" Richard asked as he sat himself down in the chair opposite of her.


"Please, I'm just trying to help you."

"He asked her to move in with him, and she accepted."

Richard sighed knowing exactly who Meredith was talking about. He wasn't oblivious to everything he knew. Heck everyone probably knew, it was evident to everyone.

She was talking about Andrew.

"It's the oldest story in the world" Richard said as Meredith looked at him in confusion. "You love someone and they don't love you the way you love them."

"How did you-"

"It's really obvious to everyone except him, apparently." Richard replied chuckling to himself slightly.

"Look if it's any consultation he looks at you the way you look at him when he's not looking."

Meredith looked back at Richard with a little spark of hope in her eyes. She shook her head negatively quickly losing, the spark in her eyes.

"He has someone else, who he obviously loves. And she's everything he needs and I don't think I am." Meredith replied running her hand through her to console the tears forming in her eyes.

Richard sighed looking at the woman before him. Quickly standing up he walked around his desk to hug her. Because honestly that's all he could do right now.

"You are worth so much Meredith. Please don't compare yourself to others. You are incredible as a mother, as a sister, as a surgeon, and as a human being. Don't ever let anyone dim your light." Richard said as he released Meredith from his tight hug.

"Thank you, Richard" Meredith replied smiling up at the figure before her. Looking down at her phone, She noticed her shift had ended five minutes ago. Making her way towards the door she smiled back at the man in the room and then let herself out of his office.

Making her way to the attending's lounge she hoped no one would be in the room. As she just wanted to go him and see her kids. Quickly turning the corner to the lounge she peered in the window as she walked by. And of course someone had to be in there, and of all people it could have possibly had been it had to be the one she happened to be avoiding currently.

Gathering up her courage she made her way into the lounge and over to her locker.


"Andrew" she replied mockingly smiling slightly back at him.

"Headed home I presume" Andrew said making his way over to be closer to her.

"Yes, I'm going to hopefully watch a movie with my kids later. Depending on what time I get home." Meredith replied taking her coat from her locker.

"Here, let me help you." Andrew said taking the coat from her hands and holding it open for her to put on. Meredith smiled putting her arm in the sleeves unintentionally grazing her hand on his. Sending sparks down her spine and if she wasn't mistaken his too by the way he shivered slightly.

"Thank you" Meredith replied turning around to look at him. He nodded and smiled back, handing her purse over he once again grazed his hand with hers unintentionally. Making eye contact quickly they smiled each other.

"I'll text you later" Andrew stated "You better get home to your kids"

"Text you later" she replied making her exit from the lounge. Feeling a pair of eyes follow her all the way out and through the door.

"She made broken look beautiful and strong look invincible. She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like a pair of wings." - Ariana Dancu

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