Present Day

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"Hey! Can we please talk?" Andrew sighed stopping behind a black haired girl who stood with her back to him. Whipping around quickly towards the figure she replied.

"What could you possibly have to tell me that you haven't already?!" The girl replied angrily turning her back on him once again.

"Sam, please, I want to explain myself. Five minutes that's all I ask." Andrew replied running his fingers through his hair nervously. Opening the door in front of her. Sam led Andrew into a exam room. And she stood herself up against the opposite side of the wall. Andrew, however, stood himself up against the opposite wall on the other side of the exam room bed.

"You embarrassed and hurt me in front of my own family. You could've at least called the wedding off before the day came." Sam replied barely retaining herself from knocking things off the counter next to her in anger.

"Sam, please -" Andrew replied in guilty tone. His hands no longer knowing what to do with themselves moved nervously in front of him. His hair had now become an unruly mess of curls due to him running his hands through it multiple times.

"No! You don't deserve to talk to me. You hurt me more than anyone! And worse you did it in front of the people I love. I got all dressed up for my big day. And for what, for you to figure out at the last second that I'm not the one for you!" Sam yelled squeezing her hand on the counter to calm herself.

"You're right I don't deserve to get to talk. I couldn't go through with it because I didn't want to hurt you"

"Hurt me? I think we're a bit past that point, already" Sam replied sarcastically, looking down at the ground in front of herself.

"I didn't want to marry you and then make you suffer because of it. I happened to like someone else, while I should've only been interested in you. And that is completely on me, none of that is your fault. If I had loved you properly, the way I should've, I wouldn't have fallen for someone else. And god I feel so terrible for letting that happen. Because it has always been my goal to love the person I'm with, properly. And I didn't do that with you. And it kills me to know that I didn't love you the way you deserved and I didn't want you to have to marry me and then regret it."Andrew replied once again running his fingers through his hair in a frustrated gesture.

"I want you to be happy. To find someone who makes you happy. And we were each other's first loves, I will always have a place for you in my heart. But I think we need some time apart to truly understand what it means to love." Andrew completed looking desperately at the girl who stood in front of him.

Sam sighed looked at the ground and nudging her foot on the ground in front of her. She wanted so desperately to be mad at him. To hate him for as long as she needed. To never talk to him again. Never even make eye contact with him again.

But at the same time he was her first love. They hadn't been with anyone else since they had met each other. And so, it was reasonable that in order to love someone else properly, they would have to eventually let go of each other.

"Ok" Sam said looking up at him for the first time since he had started talking.


"Ok, I agree with you, but I still have earned the right to hate you a few more weeks." Sam replied with small smile on here lips.

Andrew returned her small smile and opened the door of the exam room and gestured for her to accompany him as he left.

"Do you regret it?" Sam asked as she reached the open door, next to Andrew.


"Being with me for so long. And for not realizing sooner you liked someone else?"

Andrew looked back at her with small smile on his face. Looking down at his hands, he squeezed them together. Looking back up at the figure in front of him he replied.

"You know when you're in a car and it's pouring down, rain. And it's hitting your car constantly but then you go under a bridge and it stops. Everything goes silent except for the radio playing "Let it Be" by the Beatles and it's almost peaceful. And then you exit out from under the bridge. And the rain hits you even harder than before. You were my bridge, you still are my bridge. But we both need to find new bridges. But until then I'll still be here for you whenever, you need me." Andrew replied offering Sam a small smile as she exited the exam room.
So, sorry for the delay y'all! As I said before I usually write on my phone because it's way easier for me to type faster. But I recently broke my phone pretty badly so I had to write this on my computer. Which slowed me down tremendously.

I think I'm going to take this story to 20 chapters and then upload a new story that isn't one shot based like this one is.

Which would you like to read next Present day or Flashback?

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