Then (February)

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"Andrew!" A voice called from somewhere behind him. "Can I talk to you really quickly?" Meredith asked as Andrew turned to face the approaching figure.

"Of course," Andrew replied "Did I do something wrong?" He asked opening the door to a conference room in front of them.

"No, No, not exactly." Meredith replied clearly nervous. Her hands had been tucked into her lab coat to keep Andrew from seeing them shake uncontrollably. Her hair had fallen in front of her face slightly, blocking her eyesight.

She was about to do something she never thought she would have to do. But if she doesn't do it now, she'll probably never do it.

Andrew closed the door behind them as Meredith made her way in to the room in front of them. Andrew quickly flipped on the light switch to add some light to the room. Andrew then leaned against the door of the room facing the figure, that was now pacing nervously in front of him.

"Is everything alright?" Andrew asked her as she made eye contact with him.

"Yes, well no. I don't really know" Meredith replied taking her hands out of her coat pockets and moving them nervously in front of her.

"Meredith, you're starting to worry me. Did something happen to one of your kids?" He asked her as Meredith shook her head negatively, signaling an affirmative no.

"No, it's nothing like that. This matter just entails you and I."

"You and I? Did we do something we shouldn't of?"

"No, Andrew. I don't really know how to say this, how to tell you."

"Meredith, you can tell me anything, you know that.
Just say what you have to say. And we'll go from there, whatever it is it won't change anything between us." Andrew replied trying to calm Meredith down.

Meredith looked up at him with a skeptical face. And once again squeezed her hands nervously in front of her. Letting out a sigh at Andrew's words, she looked everywhere but his eyes.

"Ok, fine, I'm going to say all of this at once. Please don't interrupt me. I barely have the courage to say it, and if you interrupt me I-"

"Meredith, you're rambling" Andrew interrupted her. Searching her face with his eyes to get her to make eye contact with him.

"Oh, um Sorry." Meredith replied letting out a breath. That blew a piece of her blonde hair out of her face.

"Well ok, so, gosh I don't know how to start this." Meredith said finally making eye contact with the man in front of her.

"Sometimes, when I look at you, and you're looking back at me, I can see something. This teeny-tiny hint of something more, something I've never verbalized before." Meredith said receiving a confused look from Andrew.

"When eyes meet, it's like we're instantly connected, at least it's like that for me. There are times when I want nothing more than to look in your eyes because it's when we're looking at each other in silence that we end up saying the most." Andrew creased his forehead in a frown as he listened intensely to what she was saying.

"No one makes me smile like the way you can. You make me so damn happy. You walked in when it seemed like everyone else walked out after Derek died. You were there for me whenever I needed it. You make me laugh all the time, and you always,  somehow, have the right words for when I need them." Meredith said smiling to herself breaking eye contact with Andrew, she looked down at her now shaking hands.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is. I have feelings for you that go deeper than a simple friendship. I want more. I want the useless bickering and the late night phone calls. And while I know you don't have to reciprocate my feelings. And you probably don't being your engaged to someone else. And I would never ask you to leave her for me or anything remotely close to that. I just had to let you know where I'm at." Meredith finished quickly stuffing her hands back into her lab coat.

Andrew opened and closed his mouth as if to say something. But as much as he willed his mouth to speak nothing came out.

"I um, probably shouldn't have told you all that. Because you're getting married soon and you don't deserve all the stuff that is now probably whirling around in your mind. But-"

"No, no I'm happy you told me." Andrew replied taking Meredith's hand in his own and squeezing it. He offered a small kind smile and turned to unlock the door behind him.

"I'm going to need to think about all this." Andrew replied opening the conference door and quickly escaping.

And now here the blonde haired, green eyed girl stood. Alone in the conference room, her mind going a thousand miles per minute. She silently looked down at her converse shoes. Willing the tears to stay out of her eyes.

Turning towards the table in the conference room. She pulled out a chair, and quickly sat down and stared out the window, into the rainy sky of Seattle.

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