Then (4 years earlier)

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"Where is Grey?" Asked Bailey entering the attendings lounge, closely followed by two unknown doctors. Amelia, Maggie, Arizona, and Alex sat gathered around one of the tables eating their lunches. Hearing Bailey's voice they looked at the two doctors behind her.

A man with dark, black, curly hair stood well above Bailey's height. Standing next to him was a shorter woman, with long black hair, just above Bailey's height. The man seemed to be swaying his weight from foot to foot behind Bailey nervously.

"She just got pulled into an emergency surgery about 15 minutes ago." Maggie replied looking up at the clock, on the wall, behind her. "Why?" Maggie asked turning towards Bailey.

"Ok, I was just going to introduce her to the new Attending General Surgeon that will be working beneath her." Bailey replied gesturing to the man standing behind her. "Anyway, this is Andrew Deluca, general, and this is Sam Bello, a new resident. They are both transfering from a hospital in Italy."Bailey said gesturing towards the people that stood behind her.

"This is Amelia Shepherd, Head of Neuro."

"Nice to meet you" Andrew said as he shook hands with her.

"This is Maggie Pierce, Head of Cardio. Arizona Robbins, Head of Fetal. And Alex Karev, Head of Pediatrics." Bailey finished gesturing to each one of them.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Andrew greeted them turning his gaze back to Bailey.

"Pierce? Dr. Bello, here, will be on your service today. Please show her the basic runnings off the hospital as she assists you today." Bailey said directing Sam to Maggie.

"I will, Bailey- " Just as Maggie was about to finish her sentence. Her pager made a loud noise, signaling a 911 in the pit. "Let's go 911 in the pit" Maggie said to Bello as she passed by her and out the door of the attendings lounge. Sam Bello quickly followed behind her, waving bye to Andrew. The doctors sat at the, circular table, amusedly, watched the exchange between the two doctors.

"Alright, Dr. Deluca, you don't officially start for another hour. And being the ER is slow today. I will take you to the O.R gallery. And you can watch Grey's surgery and introduce yourself after. I cannot accompany you, however, as I have to finalize paperwork on your transfer." Bailey said gesturing for him to follow her.

Arriving at the gallery, Bailey gestured for Andrew to have a seat. Below them Dr. Grey operated on a patient who had come in with abdominal pain. After having done a MRI scan, however, they realized the patient had been internally bleeding into their stomach cavity.

"Scalpel" Dr. Grey said confidently to the scrub nurse that was stood just to the side of. Across the table stood, who he presumed to be, a resident, as Dr. Grey would frequently ask her questions. Dr. Grey worked confidently on the patient in her O.R for about 2 hours. The surgery had been a success with a minor complication. But in the end the patient would make a full recovery.

Andrew exited the gallery and walked towards the O.R floor to introduce himself to Dr.Grey. Just as he reached the nurses station by the operating rooms. A petite figure ran straight into his chest, dropping what seemed to be scrub cap onto the floor. Andrew barely managed to catch her before she hit the floor. Braids of blonde hair flashes into his eyes as he helped the figure up. Picking up the scrub cap, from the floor, he handed it back to the figure in front of him.

"I'm so sorry, I should've been watching where I was going, more carefully." Andrew said as his eyes connected with the green eyes in front of him. The air quickly left his lungs, as he took recognition of the figure. He knew those eyes, he has seen those eyes before. Blonde hair flashed into his mind once again. Green eyed, blonde haired, a giggle you could literally never forget, flashed into his eyes. He knew those eyes, those green, emerald, eyes. It had, probably been more than 15 years, since he last saw those green, emerald, eyes. But he had vowed to himself back then, that would never forget them. Now here he stood in front of the eyes, he had vowed to never forget.

"No, I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention either." The voice spoke bringing him out of his thoughts. The blonde haired, surgeon held out her hand to him. "I haven't seen you here before, you must be new, I'm Meredith Grey."

Andrew was certain there was more to that sentence. but as soon as she spoke her name, he knew. Meredith Grey. The owner of those eyes, those green, emerald eyes he had vowed to never forget. He was right, he knew he'd never forget them. And now here he stood in front of the blonde haired, green eyed girl with a giggle you could never forget, with no air in his lungs.

"I'm the chief of General Surgery." The voice once again sounded in front of him. Once again bringing him out of his thoughts.

"Andrew Deluca, new General Surgery Attending." Andrew replied while seemingly watched all the color leave Meredith's face. Her mouth dropping in a slightly shocked expression.

"Andrew..... Deluca?" Meredith replied bringing her hand up to her mouth to try to shield her shocked expression.

"Meredith...... Grey?" Andrew replied copying Meredith's tone. All the while the woman in front of him, seemed to realise who she was talking too. She hadn't heard that voice for probably over 15 years. He was her childhood best friend. Barely managing to keep them up right, Andrew steadied himself as Meredith threw her arms around him. Everyone around them watched with curious eyes as the exchange happened between the two.

"Is it really you?" Meredith asked pulling back slightly from the hug.

"It is really me. I didn't think I would ever see you again after I moved back to Italy." Andrew replied hugging her again. After a few more moments of hugging, the pair disentangled themselves. And Meredith looked back up at him. Gosh, he would recognize those eyes anywhere. And here he stood, his arms still slightly wrapped around her. That blonde haired, green eyed girl with a giggle you could never forget, with no air in his lungs.

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