Present Day

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"I come bearing bad news and good news, which do you wish to hear first?"  A voice sounded from the entrance of a man's dressing room.

Inside the dressing room, a curly haired, Italian man stood admiring himself in the mirror. The mirror reflected a man, wearing a gray tux back him. Hair perfectly in place, upon his head and his beard groomed to perfection.  A grayish, blueish tie finished off his outfit. And he would be lying if he said he wasn't second guessing this whole marriage thing every 10 seconds. A voice, quickly, accompanied by a knock on his door pulled the man from his nervous thoughts. Alex  Karev stood in the dressing room doorway. Accompanied by Amelia, Maggie and little Ellis standing in front of the group.

"The good news" Andrew sighed turning towards the group. "Is it normal to be so nervous? Wait, where is Meredith?" Andrew asking taking recognition of the missing figure.

"Uncle, Andrew!" Ellis yelled running towards the man reaching her arms up towards him, so he could pick the little girl up.

"Hi Ellie Belle, how's my flower girl?" Andrew asked setting her on his hip.

"I get to throw petals down the aisle today." Ellis said clapping her hands.

"You're going to be an excellent flower girl, Ellis. What was the news you wanted to share with me?" Andrew asked as he sat Ellis down on her feet.

"Well the good news is, everything is going according to the plan so far." Alex replied gesturing for Amelia or Maggie to deliver the bad news.

"And the bad news?"

"Uh yeah, about that, well your best man, or shall I say best woman. Is currently really sick and couldn't make it." Amelia replied bracing for the repercussions of the current situation.

"What! She is - wait is she okay?" Andrew asked now messing with the gray jacket of his tux.

"She is ok, she just has a really bad fever. This morning she came downstairs all wrapped in blankets because she was freezing. She ended up falling back asleep as soon as we left the house because she hasn't responded to any of my texts yet. What's going on between you and Meredith anyway?" Maggie replied. Ellis was now playing at Andrew's feet, with a stuffed animal she had brought with her.

"We're just friends" Andrew replied while avoiding eye contact with each of his interrogators.

"Just friends? Everyone except you and Meredith know you guys are in love each other. Hell I think Meredith might even know it. Whenever you guys are near each other you light up or when the other one walks into a room you both get visibly nervous. And for the record she would have been here even though she's sick. But after what your fiancé did to her, I get why she didn't want to come. Sorry, it probably isn't my place to tell you all that right before you get married, but if I were in your position I would've wanted to know." Alex said running his hand through his hair.

"Come on, Ellis, let's go get you changed." Alex said motioning for Ellis to come with him. Grabbing his hand, Ellis led Alex out of the room and they both disappeared down the hallway.

"I'm going to go check on Zola and Bailey." Maggie said following Alex out of the dressing room. 

Amelia was now the only one still there. Turning her attention back into the dressing room. Andrew now paced the room in front of her. Visibly frustrated with himself and presumably someone else as well.

"She said she was happy for me. When I told her I was going to get married." Andrew said sitting down on the couch, in the corner of the room.

"Of course she's gonna say she's happy for you and fake a smile. But you can tell she has feelings for you. I personally think, they've been there for a while." Amelia replied joining Andrew on the couch. Andrew sighed staring at the beige wall in front of him.

"You know about a month ago she told me. How she felt about me. And she revealed all these feelings. That now that I come to think of it, I reciprocated them fully. And I got scared and I ran away. It was the week that everyone thought we were fighting, remember? I was just avoiding her, I was a coward. I am a coward." Andrew replied turning his eyes towards Amelia.

Amelia looked toward him making eye contact. And she offered him a small, kind smile.

"You're not a coward. I would've done the same thing if I was put into a situation like that. But i've learned from past experience that sometimes the heart sees what the mind refuses to. So do what you think is best. Whether you end up listening to your mind or your heart is up to you." Amelia replied squeezing the mans shoulder beside her.

"Alex is right though, but whatever decision you make, you got a whole army behind you" Amelia responded standing up from the couch. "Oh before I forget, Meredith asked me to give you this specifically on your wedding day." Amelia said pulling a envelope out of her purse. with the name Andrew written on the front of it.

"I'm going to go help get Ellis ready." Amelia said once again squeezing his shoulder and ultimately exiting the room. In the envelope was a letter as well as a pair of italian cufflinks.

"You saw these in a antique store window, we had walked by one day while we were headed  to the market square. I remember you telling that they looked exactly like the ones your father wore on his wedding day, but those had been lost somewhere for years. And I figured you would want something that would remind you of him when you walked down the aisle to the love of your life.

P.S I know you're nervous but, this is going to be one of the best days of your life don't let your nerves ruin it " - Meredith Grey

"So, what are you going to do?" Andrew asked himself.

"I don't know."  He whispered back to himself.

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