A week before school

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As Archie and Veronica finally moved in I got to spend the last week with my parents which was actually fun, we got to go shopping but dad didn't like that one then when I was walking home from a hang out I see a big bag so I grab my camera and start to take pictures so that when I got home I ran to my parents as I say " look what I found on the streets" "oh my god" my mom said. " this can't happen" as my mom walks in circles. " hazel photocopy those pictures we need to investigate" "okay!" I say as I run upstairs. When I photocopied the pictures got a burst of energy so I get my laptop and start to wright more about haylee like how she would hang around strange guys... wait I ask myself what if one of those guys killed her? I grabbed a book from my bookshelf and start to wright positive answers to this case when I was done it was dinner but when I went downstairs my parents were still working on it so I went to archies maybe they have food. When I enter the house it was.... nice books everywhere and Fred ran to me to greet me and brought me to his room. He ask me if I had a crush but I said "no... well maybe, I don't know" "oh" he said. " we should be close friends" "deal" but when I got home my parents were watching a movie and asked where I was but I say " I was at Fred's" " oh got a crush" she said with a smirk. " no mom just a close friend" " yeah um ok sure let's go close friends" " there's pizza if you want?" My dad said. " heck yeah I do want pizza!" As I grab some pizza I run upstairs and started to text fred. I feel like this friendship will be good. It was 9:30 and when my dad came to see if I were awake he seen me outside the window with my phone and he chuckled and left.

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