"Don't shake so much, angle yourself naturally in a way that'll keep you stabilized. It's like walking on a thin raised platform" Hawks replied.

"Like thiwwahhja" Midoryia slipped forward this time and almost broke his nose, but using his hand he caught himself.

"Balance Midoryia balance.
Everything is about balance.
Focus, take a deep breath, and try to stay stabilized" Hawks said.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't use my real name while I'm undercover, what if someone listens in" Midoryia hissed as he got back up again.

"No one comes down to his training room since it's my private training room.
You don't have anything to worry about" Hawks said.

"I can't trust that..."

"Fine but whenever I call you by your name I'm going to only say mura. I'm not saying the rest of the long name" hawks replied.

"Fine be me" Midoryia said as he closed his eyes.

He took a deep breath in and tried to focus.

He slowly let go of the wires and balanced, holding his hands out and keeping his legs still to stay up.

He got it!!!

But for only a minute...

"That was great!
Now whatever you did back there keep practicing it until you don't slip up again" hawks said.

"Okay" Midoryia sighed.

"I'm going out to buy some food. You can keep on training or go shower up." Hawks said walking out.

Midoryia nodded his head and watched hawks just disappear.

"It'd be best if I keep training.
The sooner I get this under control the sooner I can stop training all together" Midoryia thought to himself.

He spent the rest of the time training, he planned on mastering it tonight.

When Hawks came back Midoryia was a sweaty scruffed up mess.


He was balanced and holding perfect stability.

Hawks had been gone for a couple hours so he was quite surprised when he saw Midoryia able to hold such good forms within the 3 hours he was gone for.

"Heh it seems whenever you set your mind to something you just don't quit huh?" Hawks chuckled.


Mastered it..." Midoryia said through pants.

"You earned yourself a good meal.
Get down, take a shower, change and come meet me in the kitchen of this agency" Hawks said.

Midoryia nodded his head and got down from the grappling hooks.
He felt so woozy and exhausted, it was possibly the second time he's ever felt so exhausted like this.

The first time was when Aizawa forced him through the tight training within the week.

He walked up to his room and showered, after he changed.

"Man this room is tiny compared to the one back at home.
This is the size of my dang closet" Midoryia thought to himself as he looked at the room he was given.

"Are you done need mido!!?" Hawks shouted.
Midoryia was startled and angry, he told him not to use his name.

He sprinted downstairs where he could smell the fresh chicken waiting for him.

"I told you not to call me that!" Midoryia hissed.
"Cool it mini boss. I'm just playing around" hawks chuckled.

Midoryia sat down at the table and raised his brow, he was confused as to what he was looking at.

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