"Don't feel bad! Care for another game?" A grin rested on his face, mischief visible in his greedy green eyes, however, his grin slowly disappeared as the man who threw his cards rose from his seat, picking up his coat from the back of his chair.

"Sorry kiddo, but I gotta go. I've got a food delivery for Lord Chankason's Birthday Party." This had caught Luix' attention as his ears perked up. Cruet raised an eyebrow, resting his elbow on the table as he leaned forward, curiosity showing in his eyes.

"Birthday Party?" The mischievous man's question caused the baker to stop in his tracks as he made sure he had all of his items. Everyone at the table had turned their eyes to him, as did everyone from nearby tables. Surprise, mixed with fear had appeared on the regular's faces as they all stopped their activities. The carefree atmosphere had been completely replaced by dead silence as chatter and laughter had disappeared within the mention of Lord Chankason.

Arisu scanned the area once again, fear clearly visible as they stared at Cruet's table. Luix and Cruet could sense it too. Luix glanced at the regulars around his table and watched as they avoided eye contact while they tried to drown whatever fear they had into their drinks. Cruet stared at the baker, who let out a heavy sigh, running his fingers through his messy black locks before trailing down to his bare neck and scratching it nervously. His eyes that once showed light, enjoyment and liveliness was now showing exhaustion.

"Ya kiddo. It's his birthday tomorrow. He usually celebrates by holding a large gala and orders everyone to buy him a grand gift. He's kind enough to give us serving people a break since we're breaking our backs to give him the food he wants." The baker explained, his eyes trailing down to what's left of his drink. The atmosphere in the room became heavy, almost suffocating, as exhaustion showed in everyone's eyes.

"Sounds like a greedy man." Luix spoke up, loud enough for everyone in the room to hear, as he chugged another pint.

"Shh!" One of the regulars hushed the male, panic showing in his eyes as he stared at Luix. Luix raised an eyebrow as he looked at the man who sat opposite him. "Don't say that young sir. You might have strength on your side, but Lord Chankason has a number of loyal soldiers on his side. Anyone who speaks bad of him gets punished!"

"It's not like he's wrong." Another customer spoke up from the bar. Everyone looked at the customer who sat at the bar, no light visible in his eyes as he stared at his pint.

"Hank!" One of the customers hissed, making the man who spoke up look up at him.

"What? It's true. It's not like I have much else to lose to that damn rotten man!" The man named hank threw his pint on the floor, anger showing in his eyes as he stood up, tightly clenching his fists as he stared at the ground. Luix stared at the man, as did Cruet and Arisu. "My lad was smart, but damn it I wish I stood with him!"

"Why? What happened to your boy?" Luix questioned as he placed his pint down. Hank turned his head to Luix, tears of anger and sorrow appearing in his eyes.

"He spoke up against Lord Chankason, but Chankason ended up executin' him publicly."

"Chankason used Hank's lad as a warning to us all." Another customer spoke up, placing a hand on Hank's shoulder as he looked at Luix. "Any of us try to speak up against him, we'll have a far worse fate."

"That rotten man has taken everythin' from me." Hank said, staring at the ground as tears fell down his face. "He made the taxes for medicine higher so we couldn't afford it. My poor wife ended up dead because of it. Then, he takes Iren from me, not only that, but my father's sword that was gifted to us from the King himself. I could never forgive him." Low growls left Hank's lips as he stared at the ground, the tears falling onto the floor.

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