O/S 6.5 ~ Clipped Feathers Pt. 2

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Ayooooo part two, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

AU: Tis' a Wingfic once more! All SBI -Tubbo(he a ram boi) are Avians
Type: Fluff
Setting: Techno's snow cottage
Prompt: Tommy has a panic attack


Tommy was under no circumstances trauma free.

Everytime Techno has to sheer sheep, Tommy has to be inside the house on the top floor cuddled into Techno's fluffy soft blankets, while Techno has to be outside far enough away that Tommy can't hear the snipping.

They found that out the hard way, about 3 days after Tommy had woken up.

Tommy was sitting in front of the furnace fire, as Techno brought Ghostbur's Friend inside.

Tommy wasn't allowed to leave the house, and he thought it was utter bullshit, but didn't complain because Techno would give him the 'Phil glare' which meant that there was no arguing with him.

Techno sheered the friendly sheep, and only realized what he'd done after he did it.

The small boy sat infront of the fireplace suddenly saw green. He saw Dream's sadistic smile staring down at him while he whispered, "Sh.. It's okay, you didn't even feel it. I just don't want to lose you, songbird."

Tommy's breathing quickened, and then he was in the corner of Logstedshire, inside the walls. His vision went blurry with hot tears, and he clutched his chest as he fell to his knees.

Dream rushed over to him, and knelt in front of him.

"Tommy, are you okay? I didn't mean to panic you, I'm sorry." Dream doesn't sound like himself, and this worries Tommy further.

He curls himself into the corner of the walls, making himself as small as possible, shutting his eyes tightly, and wrapping his damaged wings around himself.

"Tommy, it's me, Techno. Remember? Remember when you used to get scared from the thunder, and you would crawl into bed with me, and I'd protect you from the storm?" Techno? Wait.. But wasn't Dream just in front of him-

Tommy opens his eyes hesitantly, and they land on Techno's silhouette, and sees him with his hands raised in the air in a surrender-type motion, knelt infront of Tommy's pitiful form.

"T-Techie...?" Tommy chirps, something he only does when he's panicked and needs comforting.

"I'm right here, Toms. Come here." Technoblade chirps back to him, and Tommy's surprised because Techno never chirps for anyone except Phil, and that was only when his chirp first came in.

Tommy slowly and hesitantly unfurls his wings from himself, and his muscles loosen.

Techno's arms are open for him, ready when he is, and Tommy lunges into Techno's hold, loving the feeling of firm arms wrapping tightly around him.

His bird brain whispers, "Safe, flock, nest, Safe, nest, home, flock, flock, safe," and he ignores the conflicted feeling it gives him because all he wants to do is feel safe in Techno's arms.

Tommy knows Dream fucked his head up. He knows that. He knows that his bird brain trusts and hates Dream at the same time, but he also knows that he needs to hate Dream fully.

But Dream was his friend, he was the only person there for him, Tubbo didn't visit, his father didn't visit, hell Techno didn't visit.

But he's here now, and that's all the matters, part of him tried to reason.

He opts to believe that part of his brain for right now, and snuggles closer to Techno.

If he sobs, neither of them acknowledge it. If he pleads Techno to never leave again, Techno doesn't tell anyone else.

But Techno promises him in their bird language, "Tommy, I'll never leave you again," and Tommy believes it.

Tommy will stay with Techno, because Techno is safe. Techno is his older brother, and Techno will protect him from the thunder, and the lightning, and the bad people.

And Tommy loves Techno for it.

But he'd never admit it to anyone.


Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I'm finally done with this I can release the first part yay!


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