O/S 3 ~ Phil, Please...

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AU: None
Type: Angsty Phil and Villian! Wilbur
Setting: L'Manburg, TnT Room
Prompt: Wilbur asks Phil to kill him.


Wilbur stood there. Standing on the pile of rubble, looking down at it. At what he had caused.

"Wil..." Phil was staring at him, and what he caused. Staring at the damage. Staring at what used to be L'Manburg.

"Phil, kill me," Wilbur didn't hesitate in the words he spoke, "Kill me, now."

"Wil, I can't do that," Phil responded.

And, Wil remembered. He remembered one of his birthdays. The worst day of his life. The day he was ignored, even by his own father.

~~~14th Birthday

It was his special day. His time to shine. In fact, it was his only time to shine, like the bright star he is. Was? Oh, it doesn't matter, all that does is the fact that he wasn't getting attention.

Now, he was not an attention seeker under any means. But, he obviously should've gotten attention for something like this, right?

Apparently not, Since Tommy turning 10 years old is more important. But why wasn't it important 3 months ago, when it happened? Why was Wilbur sat in the corner of his fucking room while everyone else was in the living room, having a conversation as if it were a get-together, not his birthday party?

No one went looking for him. Not even the only 3 friends he had, whom of which he had invited. They were all learning cool tricks with Techno, who was just standing off to the side awkwardly.

As Wilbur sat in his room, thinking all these things, all these questions flooding his head, he cried. He cried, and he sobbed. And he told himself he was a worthless piece of shit because boys can't cry. Boys are strong and independent. Boys would be the center of attention at their birthday party, not crying in their room like a crybaby.

Wilbur eventually cried himself to sleep, not noticing a worried younger brother named Tommy barging in, wishing to brag to him, instead walking out after noticing the bloodshot eyes the middle child adorned. I guess they didn't have time for him that night.


Wilbur looked at Phil with amazement in his eyes.

"What do you mean, you can't do that?"

"You're my son, Wilbur!! I can't just-.." Phil trailed off, not wanting to finish the sentence.

"Well, of course you can! You can kill the disappointment son, can't you? I never meant anything to you! Do it Phil! Do it!!" Wilbur was crying at this point, tears running down face at a fast pace. That didn't mean his voice was breaking, though. He was completely confident in every word he spoke, and he believed all of it.

Phil looked at him with guilt, disbelief, and above all, anger at himself for letting his own child think that. For letting his own child call himself a disappointment. For letting his own child think badly of himself, for letting his own child hate himself, for letting his own child think that he didn't love him.

Phil realized that Wil would finally be at peace if he did this. All he wanted was his son back. And if he couldn't have that, then he wanted his son to leave him peacefully.

So, he sighed, tears gushing down his face, and complied.

Phil's wings wrapped Wilbur's helpless body as he stabbed the sword into him. Phil never took the sword out, as he sobbed out apologies to his middle child.

As the light faded from them, Wilbur looked up into Phil's eyes with his own. Peace and fulfillment was present. Wilbur gave Phil the best, biggest smile he could muster, and whispered, "Thank you, Dad... I l-love... y....."

Phil waited for a moment.

That moment held nothing but silence.


Dreaded silence.

Phil screamed. He screamed, he cried, he sobbed, he yelled. From across the long-gone field, Tommy heard the anguish in his cries.

The screams of a father would had just lost a son.

The screams, and pleas to have that son back.

Nothing could match this. This was heartbreaking. No, this was a feeling no one else could feel. Onlookers, not part of the broken family, watched in silence.

Techno was nowhere to be found, but some members claim to have heard his screams all the way from his hidden base.

Tommy pearled over, collapsing before it even landed. He, too, was sobbing already.

Phil's wings did not move, no matter how much Tommy clawed and punched at them.

Phil's hold on Wilbur stayed deathly tight, his entire body loose, exception of the extremely tense wings shielding Wilbur from the world, and the arms used for the embrace.

Phil continued to cry, not having a care in the world about how loud he was. Not caring about how vulnerable he was. He was giving Wilbur the alone time with his father that he needed his entire life.

Nothing would get in the way of that, even if it ended up with Phil clutching a dead body the rest of that, fateful, tragic night.


Finally finished with this, holy shit.

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