O/S 11.5 ~ Definitely Not Healed, but I'm Getting There

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On a scale from 1-10

How mad are you guys that it took this long-

Back at it again you know wassup lessgo

Also don't get butt hurt if my writing style changed, its been like half a year lmfao deal with it

Also no idea if you guys are pussies or not(for legal reasons I'm joking) but
here's the TWs: mention of kidnapping, needles are very very briefly mentioned at the beginning, if you don't wanna read it skip to here (where it's underlined) and all you need to know is that Tommy's thigh burned in the first one bc the Rookie used a fire dampener on his thigh, and Tubbo explains his experience w/ it



"And so I was like, bam bam, pah pah, Boosh! And they were all like, aaa! no- fuck- oww And I was like, take that!"

Tommy runs a hand down his face and sighs loudly. Why won't he just shut up?

"And I was winning, I was, I really was, and then they injected that dampener into my neck and it made me pass out."


Tubbo finally shuts up about his being kidnapped and stuffs the cooked fish into his mouth using the stabby stick.

Ranboo uses his own stick to cook the mutton that he prefers and replys, "They literally just chloroformed me while I was already asleep, I-"

He cuts himself off by eating the mutton, but makes it obvious that he had nothing else to say.

The ram boy giggles at the Ghast and Enderman hybrid and says with a mouthful of food, "That must suck to be you, huh?"

He then turns to Tommy, not expecting Ranboo to respond, and says, "So, Techno, how'd get taken?"

Tommy looks at him, and then into the campfire the three are surrounding. Taking a bite out of his own fish, he tries to remember something, anything from the day or night he was taken.

All he can remember is a green hat, a weirdly deep voice, and an obnoxiously high pitched cry.

He's only 14, he was 3 when he was taken. He should be able to remember something, right?

"Uh, dude, are you alright? I didn't mean to make you sad man," Tubbo reaches over to place a hand on Tommy's shoulder, but the taller pheonix flinches away.

"Nono, you're good, I just, uh, don't really remember all that much I guess.."

Tommy looks away from the fire, then up ino the stars. He loves to look at the stars, because they make amazingly weird shapes.

Forgetting about the other two around the fire, he gets lost in the shape that resembles a guitar, and oh! Look at that sword! It's just amazing how bright they are-

"Your fish is getting cold Tech, you should probably eat it before it goes bad." Of course Ranboo has to be mom this time.

"Yeah, okay Momboo," The duller pheonix finishes off his fish and decides to go to sleep.

Without saying a word, he walks over behind Ranboo, leans against his back, and goes to sleep.


Tommy wakes up with Ranboo holding him protectively, and Tubbo lazily splayed out over them.

He pushes Tubbo off, refusing to admit that he was gentle as to not wake him up, and looks to see where the sun is.

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