Hogsmeade Revoked

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It was a mildly sunny day, with the clouds darkening with every passing  moment, Herbology, where they were de-fanging Vampric Vegetation  was almost over. When the bell rang, everybody got their stuff and proceeded out of the classroom, only to be stopped by Lewis from exiting the lightly windy greenhouse. 

"Students, you may be wondering why I stopped you on such short notice, but it is my great pleasure to announce that Hogsmeade visits are now open to third years. You may go if permitted by your parent or guardian." Lewis said. Albus hastily took his form out his bag and was about to give it to the stern Professor, when, "Potter, as I am currently busy, Professor Longbottom has to speak to you about Hogsmeade visits." "Yes, Professor," with a nod to his friends, he walked back into the greenhouse.

As he walks to Neville's office, he give's Lucas and Scorpius a nod, and nodded at his request, and as Albus walks way, he hears Lucas and Scorpius start a conversation, "Do you want to the Shrieking Shack?" and "What candy would you like for your birthday, Scorpius?" Albus was focusing on that conversation, knowing that today was Halloween, he would at least have the feast. "Let's see... Pepper Imps. The King of the confectionary bag and some pumpkin spice Butterbeer." Albus's head was hung as he entered the greenhouse and saw Neville.  

"Albus," Neville said when Albus re-entered. "My office." Albus waited to be led to Neville's office by the Herbology Professor, who did so, and upon arrival, he took a seat in a chair. He gestured to the chair opposite him. Albus sat down. "So, Albus, you may be wondering why you were called here on very short notice, but I inform you that you won't be able to attend the visit, due to your track record, you have to show me you can study diligently, then you will be permitted to Hogsmeade."  Neville said. "Ok." Albus sighed, defeated. 

Albus went back down to the Dungeons, looking around glumly as he walked to his Common Room. But the punishment brought him to see a face that would liven him up. "Lucy!" Albus said. "Why're you here?" "Well, Lamia doesn't feel— well, she's just nervous, she gets anxiety around people, so I stayed back with her, she's comfortable with Hufflepuff students and you, your friends, and Kelly Hale." Lucy said. "Amelia went with with Cassie, she just wanted to explore the village." "Understandable." Albus said. "Do you want to come with  Lamia and I to the room?" "I'd like that." 

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