I shrugged,

"Waterbending is a large possibility but the motions are gonna be practically impossible with the state of my back." I finished and flinched upon recalling the memory.

"Wait what even happened?" Sokka asked.

Katara opened her mouth to respond as I covered it quickly.

"Nothing. Back to the escape plan." I averted the question.

Katara sent me a soft glare which pierced through the singed blindfold.

"I wish I knew how to make a hurricane, the warden would run away and we'd steal his keys." Aang announced his odd idea.

"Wouldn't he just take his keys with him?" Sokka stared as our eyebrows raised at the childish idea.

"I'm just tossing ideas around!" Aang shrugged.

"Alright option two-"

"I tried talking the eathbenders into fighting back but it didn't work, if there was just a way to help them help themselves.." Katara thought.

That's when an idea hit me,

"Guys remember Haru's mom? How she said that the mines in the town are used for coal-"

"Maybe the coal is processed here! At least used here to power everything!" Aang smiled as he caught onto my idea.

"Which would mean-" Sokka followed, as Katara finished the sentence,



"It's almost dawn, we're running out of time! You sure this is gonna work?" Katara warned Sokka. Meanwhile I was taking calming breaths, pacing behind them, imagining all the possible outcomes.

"It should. These vents reminded me of the little trick back at the village, we're gonna go the same thing but on a much bigger scale. There's a huge deposite of coal at the base of the this island. And the whole system is ventilated. Aang closed off all the vent except one. When he does his airbending, the coal only has one place to go- right back here." Sokka finished.

Admittedly that was a really good plan.

"There's the intruder!" A soldier yelled as the three of us formed a triangle.

"Stay back I'm warning you!" Sokka yelled.

"Don't take a step closer or I will freeze you where you stand!" I threatened as my hair stood on edge

"Katara, Lyra stop. You two can't win this fight." Tyro urged as I gritted my teeth, the pain in my back sparked like cinders before a great flame.

It set my limbs on fire with warmth that encapsulated me.

The warmth set my blood burning in my veins and gave me a bout of determination that pushed the pain aside like a fly.

"Listen to him well children. You're one mistake away from dying where you stand." The warden said as he smirked smugly.

Aang hurry!

Suddenly I was pulled back roughly by Sokka to avoid being crushed under a huge pile of coal. I yelped in pain as his finger dug into my shoulder as the scab broke. I choked a deep breath as tried to shake the pain off.

"Thanks" I coughed and cringed.

Aang was right behind as Katara ran to him checking if he was alright

Here's your chance, earthbenders! Take it! Your fate is in your hands!"

My heart sunk in my chest like a twelve pound weight as people stepped back and the waden started laughing.

"Foolish girl, you thought a few inspirational words, and some coal would change these people? Look at these blank hopeless faces. Their spirits were broken a long time ago! Oh but you still believe in them, how sweet. They're a waste of your energy little girl. You failed." The warden smirked and walked away.

I glared, mess with me that's fine. Mess with my family, you're dead.

I crystalized the water in the air into icy stones aiming them right for the wardens head just as Haru chucked a thing of coal.

He sent a wave of fire at us as I put myself in front of Haru, but it was blocked as I heard something crumble.

Tyro had saved us.

In an instant the soldiers lined up as the warden yelled,

"Show no mercy!" And sent huge waves of fire.

The other prisoners followed alongside Tyro as they began their charge.

Agatha and Tyro grouped the guards up until the guards were completely outnumbered.

Tyro and Haru broke a hole into the ship as the urged others forward.

Aang made a huge tunnel of air which  sent coal flying.

Something took over me as my arms moved on their own and removed the blindfold on my eyes as a massive tentacles rose from the ocean as I was held up in a huge typhoon.

The wardens red uniform was vivid in my eyes and I savoured my moment of sight as the wave shaped scar on the back of my hand glowed a blinding white.

My arms moved unlike ever before as the warden was grabbed by the water.

I held him in front of me by his ankle with a tentacle.

"What are you gonna do, firebend?" I mocked as his words returned back to him.

I formed a large platform of ice and dragged all the soldiers onto it with the many tentacles.

We had won!


Sooo that's the new chapter out. I hope you guys enjoyed, have a lovely day, and stay safe and healthy, until next time my Bookworms stay safe and healthy!

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