CHAPTER 26- Snake

Beginne am Anfang

"You hungry?" you slowly crouch down picking up the bowl and walking to the kitchen.

"Where is your food huh?" you look around until you find a bag of dog food.
Grabbing it you Crouch back down and pour some into the bowl.
Seeing him eat makes you smile.
Putting the bag aside, you pet him as he eats.

"What you doing?" a voice says from behind.

You turn to look and notice Jungkook.

"Well no one fed the dog, he was hungry" you reply.

He walks over and puts the food bag away.

"You shouldn't even be moving" he says coldly.

"Well I'm not staying up there all day to suffocate" you roll your eyes as you turn back to Bong.

He ignores you walking towards his office, he stops when he notices the door is slightly open.

"Shit" you mutter quietly.

Ignoring it, he walks in the room and closes the door behind him.
Once Bong finishes, you pick him up with you and walk over to the couches in the living room.
You flop yourself into one of the couches forgetting that you even had a injury which then caused you to grunt.

"Fuck.shitballs" you mumble.

Laying down the couch, Bong jumps on you and sleeps on your stomach.
Your eyes start to slowly close until you completely fall asleep.


Waking up, you look around to see that you're back in the bedroom.
The sun's shining bright, it must be the next morning.
The door opens as you sit up on the edge of the bed.
Jungkook walks in with Ki.

"You awake now?" he asks.

"Y/N!" Ki exclaims before pulling you into a hug.
"Let's go home today"

"About time" you roll your eyes.

She turns to look at Jungkook and smiles.

"Thank you so much for taking care of her" she says ruffling your hair.
"And not giving up since she can be really hard to manage" she continues smiling.

"The fuck am i? A job?" you raise your eyebrows looking annoyed.

"Doesn't matter, it's cool" he let's out a small smile before turning around and heading to the door.

"Why aren't you asking?" you say making him stop.

He turns back around and looks at you.

"Y/N..." Ki says eyeing you.

You ignore her as you look at Jungkook.

"It's natural for someone to question what happened to the person if they help them" you say getting up slowly and walking towards him.
"No one just randomly help a person without asking questions. Am i right?"
You smirk.

"I could of just left you there to die you know but-"

"But why didn't you?" you cut him off.

He stops and squints his eyes at you. Leaning over inches away from your face.

"I told you that i don't want to get involved" he says before stepping away.

"Are we close now?" you scoff joking around.

He steps closer to you again bringing his face closer once again.

"Uh I'll be downstairs" Ki says before quickly walking out of the room.
As the door closes he speaks.

"Yes exactly" he answers making you blink continuesly.

He strokes the strands of your hair out of your face and cups them behind your ear before bringing his face to your ear.

"We're very close" he whispers before pulling away making you step back.

"Uh what?" you frown.

"Don't do anything to your hair, i like pushing it away" he smirks before leaving the room.

"The fuck??!!?!??!?" you exclaim.


*Malcov POV*

"Yes Yes don't worry" you say speaking into the phone.

"I really hope the plan works because I'm starting to get impatient" a man says on the other side of the line.

"She hates his guts, she'll kill him for what happened to Kay so don't worry" you assure.

"Im trusting you Malcov" says the man.

"Of course Baek-Hyun" you smirk.
"The plan is going well"


Who would of thought Malcov and Baekhyun working together?!?!?

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