I looked at Mako and he just turned his head to the other side, not long after, Bolin walked outside and told us to come inside. When we walked in, the Sio guy was out cold

"This must be the cure"

"yeah but why do they have it this much?!" We saw whole crates full of gallons of some blue liquid and all of them had on themself 'cure' written, We took some and were about to walk out but something caught my eye, what the hell is this?


*Korra's pov*

Where am I?

"KoooOoooOooorraaa" What?

"Korra! Come on! We have to go! The meeting won't wait!" Asami?

I have no idea where I am, I'm in some kind of room but what is this?

"Hey, are you okay?" I turned around and saw Asami there, those beautiful green eyes could always steal my heart just for- wait what?

"uh? Hello? You look like you've seen a ghost? What's wrong?" she hugged me, I was so confused I didn't even hug her back

"What? Where am I?" You dumbass now it will be weird

She looked at me like if I'm serious "Were you drinking?"

"W-what? N-no! Of course not I just...... Had a weird daydream I guess"

"Oh Korra just to let your confused self know, we're in our room which I'm sure you already recognized" she chuckled. Wait what? No I live on Air Temple Island, this is.... Is this Sato Mansion? I was looking at her still completely confused about what's happening

"Oh come one" and just like that she kissed me. Are we dating? She pulled me closer to her and then she hugged me again "What is it with you?" I was just standing there, red from head to toe, did my crush really just kissed me? Again? What even is all this?

"We have to go, honey, we have that meeting remember?" What meeting?

"Uh... Yeah the one with president Raiko?" Where did that come from? How do I know that?

"Are you sure you're okay? You're acting weird"

"Asami I'm better than ever!" I smiled at her, it took me some time to realize that I'm actually living with Asami and that we're together

"Woah there good morning tiger, let's get going then, are you ready?" I looked at myself into the mirror and I had my typical outfit on

"Yeah, let's go"


"Where is the meeting?" You really are a dumbass

"Hmm where could meeting with president be? I don't know maybe on the beach? Oh no wait I know! In a swamp" she laughed and kept her eyes on the road

"oh.... yeah true" I sighed

"Hey, you know you can tell me anything right?" We stopped at the traffic lights at the intersection, she looked at me, grabbed my hand and slightly squeezed it

"Yeah I know...I" Shouldn't that truck stop too? "Uh, Asami?" It kept coming at us "Asami! Go!" she just kept staring at me, she was smiling "ASAMI!"






What the hell is happening?! The darkness was surrounding me "Asami?!" nothing.

I opened my eyes, I was lying on the..... snow? Is this Southern Water Tribe? There was sharp burning pain going down from my shoulder to my knee... I can't feel my leg... I CAN'T FEEL MY LEG! WHERE AM I?! I looked on my left side and it had burns everywhere, especially on my foot. I looked in front of myself and there was my parent's igloo..... burned to the ground

"Mom...Dad-" I tried to call out but all that came out was just a silent wheezing, I put my hand to my neck as it became harder and harder to breathe. I failed them..... I couldn't protect them..... I looked around looking for my parent's but I couldn't see them anywhere, of course, you can't see them, they're most likely still inside, I laid my head down as I felt tears building in my eyes I'm so sorry... darkness was slowly surrounding me again and I closed my eyes, I don't know what to do, please.....someone please make it stop...

I opened my eyes once again, I tried to catch my breath but it was hard, I was in my room on the Air Temple Island, I wasn't sure if I'm awake or not, because the pain was still there, and I still couldn't feel my foot.

"Asami!...Mom!...Anyone!" I tried to call out but it was hard, I rolled over and fell off the bed, and it made the pain even worse. I dragged the oxygen bomb with me, since it was connected to my oxygen mask, it fell next to me making a loud noise "someone.....please....." I was losing hope, no-one is coming, this is how I'll die, but why? I felt so much better not long ago, why?

"Korra! Are you okay?" Kya, thank god please

"Hey hey, It's alright, it was just a nightmare, you're okay, Jinora help me with her" they placed me back on the bed

"Kya....It hurts"

"What hurts?"

"everything... I can't.... feel my leg... I...." I could barely breathe, and it was so hard to take a breath

"Jinora, talk to her, make sure she won't fall asleep"


*Jinora's pov*

"Korra, listen to me, I here, just listen to my voice okay? What exactly hurts?"

"Everything..." That's not good, how the hell did she get so much worse out of nowhere? She seemed totally fine a few hours earlier!

"Jinora, go get Katara I don't like this"

"What? What is happening?!"

"Her foot is cold as ice, just go get her, quickly!" and with that I ran out of the room, praying to any spirits up there to help us....


*Asami's pov*

"What what is it?" Bolin asked

What the fuck.... That's Republic City water system! Drinkable water goes from there to every part of the city

"I think I know why there's so much of the cure, look at this" I pointed at the red circle on the beginning

"Asami we don't have time for this"

"Mako shut up!"

"Thanks Lin, here, they planned on poisoning the city and then come with magical cure and save everyone" I looked at the papers that had details about it on them

"Yeah but why?"

"Money Bolin, money" I sighed "We have to do something about it"

"I agree, I'll get units together and we'll take over this place, but right now we have to get the cure to Korra" Lin said and she placed her hand on my shoulder

"Yeah, let's go" We all turned around and walked out

We somehow managed to get out unnoticed, we spoke to that guy we met here, the one that got us as back up, and Lin told him to call more units and go inside because of the whole action they have planned, but we made our way on the Air Temple Island, Please I just hope we won't be too late....


Hello everyone! I don't have much to say to this chapter, I just hope you enjoyed it haha.

- Alex

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