Chapter 16 - Don't knock fried spam

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Donnng! Alexa woke up to taste an odd metallic thing in her mouth, it was spiky and round. She shook it, and it jingled. She spat the foul thing out and opened her eyes to the black-and-white world. She blinked again, the colour was back and there was a naked man in a cage in front of her. "Tristan, why are you in a cage? And naked again.""Oh thank heavens, just throw me the keys." He begged, completely exasperated. She followed his gaze, to the keys she had dropped out of her mouth, "These?" She questioned and struggled to get up, an unfamiliar pain burning at her ankle if she moved. "What did you do to me?""Not as much as your wolf did to me, I was chasing you about all day yesterday.""Doing what? Yesterday?" She eyeballed him, a little scared of what the answer could be. "Playing! Keys please." He paced behind the bars, careful not to touch them, but aching to get out. She tried her ankle again and winced, "The cuff keys are on there too." He admitted grinning a little sheepishly. Setting herself free and walking she felt oddly jiggly. "What did you do to my clothes!" She leapt back like a startled cat from a cucumber, she needed answers now. "I won't unlock this cage until you answer every single question I hurl at you."Tristan apprised her flatly. "Only if you answer one of mine." It had been eating away at him since he had realised she had acted more puppy than full full-grown dog. "Depends what it is.""How old are you?""Oh, 17 next month." Alexa shrugged a little, clearly calculating she had no reason to hide the truth from that harmless question. 16! He tore his eyes away from her angry beautiful form, but he couldn't escape her intoxicating scent, her presence in the room. Of all the luck, the only female he had encountered in over 50 years was almost underage, and he'd already made out with her only semi-concuss. "Please tell me that's a 17 next month 50 years ago?"Alexa noticed his voice came out as a hoarse whisper, still husky and incredibly sexy, but no one was going sexy his way out of answering her. "That's another question. What, where, and why did you do this to me? Why am I in..." She sniffed herself, enjoying the strong masculine scent, cedar mixed with... "Your clothes! Where are mine?" He stalked to the door of the cage, muscles rippling with every step, a little rage in his eyes to meet hers. "What are you accusing me of?" He demanded. Instead of shrinking away as he'd probably expected, she charged to the other side of the cage door, reaching in and grabbing him by thick tufts of hair, "Making me like you." She glared up at him, trying to focus only on his focused golden and green eyes, not his harsh stubbily jaw, or tempting lips. "You are not like me." He reached through to her, pinching her by the chin. "But you are a wolf, if you want to know more about the idea of that, let me out. I need to use the toilet. Oh come on, I did nothing to you little one. Please." She could feel it in his touch, his husky velvet voice, he was a beast that wanted out, and she had one too, deep inside her that wanted to meet it. "No.""You really want me to piss myself?""Wait seriously." Her sex brain shut off, she kinda needed the toilet too, and something to eat. "We've been down here for 14 hours, your wolf took the key." "Likely story." Alexa pouted, leaping up the stairs to explore. She found the bathroom, and then her clothes. They were on the floor as barely recognisable rags of fabric that must've been her top, she had a sudden recollection, deja-vu of her looking down on other clothes, hers. She snatched up the fabric and drank in the story of the item through its scent. It had only touched and been touched by: her, the evil pink-haired monster she was sure to scalp whenever she got the chance, and another indiscernible vampire creature. Nothing of Tristan, he was telling the truth, she had done this, been this, but she didn't feel any different, had she felt any different when she'd previously blacked out and blamed it on the energies of the house? She should probably let the big soft doggy out to pee, he was way too big. From halfway down the trap door's staircase she threw the keys at him, she had to keep her distance, being too close did funny things to her body. Tristan's godlike form stalked up towards her, and she avoided his gaze. "It's funny how shy you are young wolf." He ruffled her hair, then shifted and flew out of the cabin.Tristan returned a little while later to find her having showered, her glorious hair sadly up in a taught bun, in fact. No hair was out of place, she had plucked and shaved everywhere, and he could see the lack of hair on her arms, under her eyebrows, and under her armpits. "Is that supposed to impress me?" His laughter barrelled through the cabin, causing her to jump a little, and then glare back at him. "What could I possibly do to impress you, catch a ball in mid-air and bring it back to you?""Ouch, but it's a start, shift and I'll throw something for you, pet."Alexa turned away from him. "You know full well I can't." She had found out she had something a part of her she had never met before, a strength, a tool, she couldn't use, she was inadequate. Whereas Tristan was pure self-assured confidence. He strode over to her. "Have you thought about why you can't?" He wondered in further behind her, settling on resting his chin on the top of her head. She shoved him slightly, escaping him to look him straight in the eyes. "I'm not strong enough, or I haven't learnt the way, or I haven't practised enough?" Alexa looked up at the only person she could ask, his eyes flickered in good humour, a glad teacher. "Hahaha, maybe let's try a different one, what is a wolf?" Tristan mused, gesturing to the world."A feral dog.""Erm no, what about what could a wolf be?""A pain in my ass, humping people all the time, begging for walks, and food." "Pet you're strange. That could be like your wolf but try to think about it a little more, it's more from the inside. In essence, my wolf to me is freedom, even the nights I have absolutely no control, I know he is me, and we are exploring the world as we see fit, without the pressures of the human world dragging us down.""Humping things?" Alexa knew she should be keeping her head out of the gutter, but the man would not put clothes on, and as he stood before her languidly sharing his view of the world, helping her with that fascinating smile, all she wanted to do was jump him! "Yes. You also hit me in the face with a rabbit. But bringing it back to being a werewolf, if you want to shift, not just when you have to, maybe give yourself a break, let your hair down.""But I like it up.""I'm trying to help.""I know that but why?.""Why help anyone, why think about anyone else ever?" He grinned with sexy arrogance, did he think he was the smartest person in the universe? "Think about it this way, you're stuck in the middle of the woods, no hassles no responsibilities just yourself and your wolf. You, relax into yourself, do whatever you want to do, and you'll be able to shift. And there'll be one more fantastic wolf in the world." He gleamed in triumph, at his amazingly deep speech. "Call me Miyagi.""All I have to do is give into my impulses to pull out my wolf?""Yes, no, I don't think you get that it's not a weapon yet." He ran his hand back through his hair again. Why couldn't she get a feel for it as simply as him? She had started staring into his soul again, beautiful eyes with fluttering long lashes unblinking in their attention, on him again. She had a mysterious power looking at him like a wolf mesmerising its prey, but it felt right for her to be there and her world being solely him. Unless, oh no, the look she had was far exactly like the one she had as a werepuppy. "Gughhh, what have I done-" Her gaze, had fallen lower, but he caught it too late, she had planted her soft full lips on his again, he tried to summon enough self-control to push her away but they melted into each other so easily. "Something like that?" She lolled her head back, in her black eyes gold tinted at the centre of her irises, threatening to take her over, and then him along for the ride."Nope. You need to stop doing that.""Oh forgive me, officer, did I do something wrong?""How did you?""I'm a master detective... You put me in one of your police academy shirts.""So you get why you should really stop kissing me, I am so much older than you.""Oh come on, you barely look 20, and you're naked.""I prefer skyclad. And I'm more like 200.""Hahahahahaah!" Alexa snorted and almost fell over the sofa. Tristan caught her with ease, "I am checking out of this conversation. There is no way you are that old, I haven't seen you do a single 'adult' thing since I've met you!" He took control of her body bringing her up to his glare. "You really want to see me being an adult?" Glanced for a moment for permission, before he claimed her mouth possessively, she was technically legal, and it was his right to claim any female werewolf. Alexa softly giggled into him, enjoying the embrace far too much. Bloody teenagers these days, Tristan pulled away still glaring. "Breaking your own rules are we? I meant like clean the dishes." This woman, he dropped her. "I carved this entire cabin from five trees." She had landed expertly into a crab and flipped back up, he did not need to think of her as an expert gymnast? "Well done 'Son of Ray Mears'.""You're bloody tease." "Well, you told me to bloody live a little.""Watch your language.""Watch yours.""Are you going to stop being annoying anytime soon?""Am I turning into a wolf yet? It's either all this, or you kiss me back? I know you want to." She gestured wildly, forming a chatterbox with one hand, to stroking her own lips invitingly with her index finger. "I know I'm going to regret this but you give me no other choice." Tristan stormed off. "Charging off is totally mature! Tristan, wait what are you doing? Come back!" She cried after him, he couldn't get away from her that easily, she was going to get what she wanted! He arrived back in his jeans, a mostly buttoned-up shirt, and flip-flops. "I put on clothes.""Good!" Alexa growled, teeth-baring, "I can still see the shape of your abs under your shirt.""Well, I can see your nipples through your shirt too.""See still looking! Give up and kiss me again!""No, we're going to have a civilised conversation about the beauty of nature!""Like it's in your nature to give me what I want!" "What do you want?""To access my wolf, come on then, fight me!" She kissed air at him. "I dare you." She gleamed at him, and then the penny dropped, he hadn't realised she'd been bating him."That's a fair point wolves do love to play fight." He nodded sheepishly agreeing with her. Alexa launched herself at him, he brought his hand up to catch her head and have her struggling to hit him because of his longer arm span. But she effortlessly countered and kicked his legs out from under him. "Off!"Tristan sniffed pride a little damaged as she stood over him, basking in her victory, with her beautiful infectious smile, he'd have to stop underestimating her. He kicked her knee in and rolled himself up to a crouching coreeda stance, catching up her hips and waist, tossing her over his head. She landed on her hands, and went to kick him in the back of the head, he'd pivoted around to catch her in a headlock.Alexa gasped, but he'd actually got her head, and wasn't letting her breathe. She went red in anger and punched him in the gut. He realised her "What was that?" She gasped in fury. "And the rules are?" He stayed crouched, taking up her entire area of vision. "Fine." She snarled at him, her jaw ached, and she went to bite his neck. This time he caught her head again, but with his own, head butting hers out of the way as he tried a sumo tackle, pinning her to the ground. She went a little placid, and smiled up at him, what had he underestimated now? Alexa rolled them both over, as she laid on top of him she squished her breasts into his chest, her left claw trailing down to his hips.Tristan felt himself tighten as her other hand went to his neck, holding it firmly. It took at least 30 seconds for him to realise he couldn't breathe, her smaller hand had an extremely firm grip on his windpipe, nothing else, subtle precision. He couldn't talk his way out of this one, and he didn't fancy it either. Their little tussle had not helped him forget what her scent was doing to his body, he grabbed her head by her bun, breaking the hairband, taking her lips with his and basking in the reciprocation.They kissed for what felt like hours of easy pleasure, taking each other as they were, enjoying their tender and brutal natures side by side. It felt so right like they had been made for each other. "Guurgrowww!" A stomach gave a loud roar. Alexa coloured even more, leaping off, or squeezing out from underneath? She couldn't tell where his body started and hers ended, they had been just a mass of eight limbs, she escaped somehow and bounded towards the kitchen. "Are you hungry? I'm hungry.""I wouldn't mind a nibble, there's more meat in the fridge, but I'd probably offend your vegetarian sensibilities. By the way yesterday you killed and ate a rabbit whole. You're not a vegetarian." He grinned triumphantly, broadcasting the arrogance that came with always being right. Alexa couldn't stand it she had to prove him wrong. She could be a vegetarian werewolf if she set her mind to it, just a little more control over the wolf and some banging dog food. Did she have to make herself dog food now?"Man can not live on meat alone, can I please cook us something better? There are a few things in your cupboards that don't have to be fried to death." The she-wolf didn't wait for permission, she searched the cupboards and brought out every interesting thing she could find. There was an array of canned goods, basic staples, and army rations. Looking to the farthest reach of the cupboards she found tins so old they had labels like Popey's Spinach and "Do you eat spam?""Don't knock fried spam.""Strange creature." She muttered, he was almost right, very little was in date and had no meat content. She threw some butter and flour in a pan and started.Tristan had never observed someone cook so beautifully, within about 10 minutes, the insane woman had created a beautiful aroma, working with an elegant rhythm, she was finally letting go a little, feeling for what there was, not forcing something to be exactly what she wanted. She stopped for a moment and looked up, she looked as if she would tell him off for watching and not helping. But her eyes had an enchanting blossom of yellow, visible but not taking over. Tristan held his breath, she might have been able to do it in that instant, transform. Then she messed it up by setting a timer for their food, and using her still very human legs and dashing out. But he was proud, maybe he could steer her way towards these more constructive feelings of freedom, that didn't make him feel like a criminal. Tristan internally patted himself on the back, he could be the responsible adult and not wreck, a scarily hot, teenager's life. He just had to learn one small thing, how to say no to her.Alexa didn't know where she was, but she felt almost like she belonged there. The forest, the abundance of life was so beautiful, she had spent so much of her life surrounded by death, she could barely fathom that places like this even existed. The black-backed tan and red merle wolf came to join her, nuzzling her ankle, and urging her to explore more. There was no way he was a bicentennial man under all that fluff, she couldn't resist the urge to scratch his chin, so unlike his stubbly chin, his gold and green eyes watched her, if she wasn't also a werewolf would she have been afraid? But, she saw as she saw almost every time their eyes met, a challenge that only one could win. She swooped up the great wolf into her arms attempting to nuzzle it like a teddy. The wolf became a heated muscular adonis of a man in record time, and he was hugging her, lifting her off her feet. His eyes were the only part that retained their wolf state, golden, in fury. "Why woman?""You looked extremely adorable." She had to admit to the cosmos. "Okay, Tristan put me down." The female alpha demanded, and her mate obeyed."Are you trying to burn my cabin down?" He reminded her, a teasing smirk peaking out at the edge of his mouth. "The sauce!" She started, turning to run back with all her supernatural might, as the wolf caught up to her, leisurely teasing her by casually taking the lead. "You are not going to win!" She barked and really tried to catch that arrogant wolf man.

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