"I'll find her and kill her for you," I offered, "But please, leave now while you can!"

"I have to do it!" He insisted.

"He'll find her," Rebekah said as she envisioned how Genevieve would betray her and tell Niklaus everything. She was doomed if I didn't get Nik out of there.

"If you need someone to blame, blame me and go," I snapped, "I made a witch call on Mikael."

"Beyla!" Rebekah said, knowing fully well the position I was putting myself on for her sake.

"Sister," Björn warned me, staying close behind as always.

"You?" Nik growled, "Why?!"

"I didn't expect you to be here, Nik," I lied, "Five years ago I found you again by mere chance. I never meant to come back to you. But you forced me to stay again and I needed a way out. Mikael is it."

He blinked and shook his head in confusion.

"You have your answer," I said, "Now leave New Orleans and don't come back."

Nik took a step forward but then stopped, clutching his head between his hands and screaming in pain. I looked over my shoulder to see Björn with a raised hand, inflicting that pain to keep him at bay. When he stopped, Nik regained his bearings and looked at us bewildered.

"You heard my sister," Björn said, "Take yours and leave."

Nik glared at him with all his hatred. "I will kill you one day," he said to him.

"You'll have to survive till then," I said.

Nik hesitated to kill us right then, but he knew Björn could at least stall him enough for Mikael to make a grand entrance. So he turned around, grabbed Rebekah by the arm, and forced her to move. She looked at me, pleading for a forgiveness that I couldn't give her. Calling Mikael, while dangerous for me, wasn't a sin against me. But it was the most horrible offence she could throw at Nik.

They speeded away and left Björn and I in the middle of the street.

"Why did you cover for her?" Björn asked calm, "He can't kill her. You on the other hand..."

"If he knew she had called Mikael, he would surely have found a way to kill her," I said, "Right now the problem is Mikael."

"Klaus will hate you, though," he said.

"It's only for a little while. I'll figure out a way to explain without involving Rebekah or Marcel. Right now I just needed to get him out of here."

"Mission accomplished," he noted, "Now, what about us?"

"Let's go get Marcel," I said, "Or whatever is left of him. And make sure Elijah leaves New Orleans alive."

Björn and I made our way to the theatre. There were firefighters but they weren't really trying to fight the flames. They had either given up, or they had been compelled to let it all burn to the ground. We broke in through the main entrance and they didn't even stop us. The flames were all around the first floor and screams could be hear coming from the main room. Björn kept the flames away from us, forming a protective bubble around us, while I broke every door that was on our way. Finally we came into the room, where the audience still remained in their seats while screaming, but none of them was making any efforts to escape. Mikael had compelled them all to stay.

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