This Was Hell

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"Talia you left me and then went on live tv spewing lies and now not only do you want full custody of Issac you want $8 million in fucking emotional damages?! You've lost your fucking mind!"

She crossed her legs and pushed her Gucci sunglasses up on her head. "Where's my son Fletcher?"

"He's not going to be in the middle of this."

Talia stood up, grabbing her Birkin bag and getting ready to leave. "You did this to yourself, gorgeous. Now smile, the cameras are always watching."

She put her sunglasses back on and walked out of the cafe they'd agreed to meet at.

Ashton let out a frustrated groan and kicked the chair she'd been sat in. This was hell.


Mack rushed the kids inside, trying her damndest to keep the boys safe and bring in groceries while dodging reporters and paparazzi. "MOMMA HELP!"

Looking down she realized she had one less kid and Coastas was getting pulled away by some TMZ scum. "Isabel, take Camden inside NOW"

Dropping the groceries, she turned and ripped her son from the reporters hands. "You lay your hands on or come near my fucking kids again and I swear to every higher power known and unknown, I'll fucking kill you."

She handed a crying Coastas to Glen who held him close to his chest and ran inside with his girlfriend and other nephew.

The same reporter that had grabbed Coastas reached out to touch her. She jerked back and before she could think about the repercussions she reared back and slapped the man across his face.

"I'm going to say this once, and I'm going to say this clearly. I don't give a fuck what Talia said. I know and everyone else at the cookout knows what happened that night. I would never hurt Issac, my sons and him are very close. Now, stay the FUCK AWAY FROM ME AND MY FAMILY!"

She stepped into her home, slamming the door in all the cameras. This was hell.


Isaac was running down the hall, pressing a permanent marker to the wall as he went. Ashton was still adjusting to this single dad thing, especially with Issac actively acting out.

While Issac turned the hallways into his personal art project, Ashton was trying to take a shower and have just a few minutes to himself. Over the past month Talia had made over 15 claims of emotional, mental, even physical abuse against Ashton.

His lawyers were actively trying to go against these claims, and salvage any and all of Ashtons reputation but Rachel was holding firm on her stance of "Do not talk to the press, and especially do not be seen with Mack or her sons."

Which of course meant Ashton hadn't been able to to talk to Mack since he kissed her.

And yeah, had he just talked to her that day they could've been a united front. Could've stood together and honestly might have been able to beat Talia at this media circuit game. But he'd blamed her as soon as he'd heard Issac's tiny voice ask why he was kissing her. That was wrong but he can't go back now.

He heard a crash and immediately went running from the shower, barely pulling a towel over his bits and bobs. "Issac! Issac!"

Issac was standing on the kitchen counter. From the looks of things, he'd either been trying to get himself a cup and dropped it - or - he'd opened the cabinet and been dropping cups out of it. "Are you okay?"

Ashton watched as Issac looked him in the eyes, and dropped a cup out of the cabinet. "Issac Thomas!"

Issac blew a raspberry and went to hop down from the cabinet. Ashton immediately remembered the glass and ran to catch his son. He lifted him from the counter, trying his hardest to avoid the glass himself.

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