My Hero Academia: The Singles' Room

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- Mineta
- Ida
- Aoyama
- Koda
- Sato
- Shoji
- Sero
- Tokoyami
- Toga


"Ugh...this sucks," Mineta groaned, resting the side of his head on his hand as he leaned his elbow on the table. "Another Valentine's Day alone. Even Kaminari, who's usually my suffering buddy, got himself a girl. Asshole..."

"I am personally happy for him," Ida said. "I do not consider myself to be much of an expert on romance, but they're obviously in love. At least Kaminari's a bit more honest."

"Speaking of people who are super obvious," Sero interjected, "have you guys ever taken the time to look at how Midoriya and Uraraka talk to each other? I mean, wow. I have never seen two people more unwilling to admit they're in love."

"It's kind of creepy that you keep tabs on their behaviors, Sero," Tokoyami mumbled in his low voice.

"Very weird, dude," Sato added.

"Agreed. You're a stalker," Shoji said.

"I am not a stalker! I can't help it if I notice how they talk to each other in their 'round-the-bush way!"

"The only girl I've ever talked to is my mom," Koda said with a sigh. "I don't even talk with animals that confidently..."

"I have a similar plight," Aoyama groaned, leaning back in his chair. "I've never been able to hold a conversation with a female. Then again, it's not like I've ever really wanted to."

"Not even with me?" a female voice chirped from behind him.

All the boys jumped and yelped, with Aoyama falling off his seat and onto the floor. All of a sudden, Himiko Toga was in their midst.

"W-What the hell?" Sero stammered.

"It's that psycho girl from the League of Villains!" Mineta exclaimed.

"Psycho?" Toga seemed confused, tilting her head at him. "Well, that isn't a very nice thing to say!"

"Excuse us if we aren't jumping at the chance to be amiable with a girl who slices people to shreds to show her affection for them," Ida said darkly, narrowing his eyes.

"You just don't understand," Toga said, shaking her head. "It's like art, you see. Each artist has their own way of expressing their emotions in art form. This is just my art style!"

"Art styles can be changed," Tokoyami countered. "Some art styles are better than others."

"Oh, whatever! Why are you guys making such a big deal out of this? I just wanted to hang out with the rest of the singles on Valentine's Day! We might all be lonely, but at least we'll be lonely together!"

"How did you even find us, though?" Shoji inquired.

"I have my waaaaaays~" Toga mused.

"Doesn't answer my question, but what was I expecting?"

"I brought playing cards!" she declared, ignoring Shoji's comment. "Who wants to play Crazy Eights?"

"I guess we have nothing better to do," Sero muttered, shrugging. "Just don't cut anybody up, okay?"

"No promises~"


The End

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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