My Hero Academia: Bakugo and Tsu(???)

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This is a joke ship. I do not actually ship these two in any way, shape, or form.


BAKUGO: No! Hell no! Hell fucking no!

TSU: Fair enough. You're not really my type, to be honest.

BAKUGO: (turning to Tsu) Wait, what? What are you saying? You think I'm not good enough for you, you amphibious bitch? Well, why don't you be a good little frog and HOP STRAIGHT INTO HELL??!??!

TSU: (to herself) Even on Valentine's Day, he's still at level 11.

BAKUGO: I'll prove I'm the best! Come on, we're going to the theme park and then the movies!

TSU: If you say so.


The End

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