My Hero Academia: All Might and Midnight

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Toshinori and Nemuri, better known by their hero names All Might and Midnight, sat on a bench in a park, enjoying some snacks that Nemuri had (unsurprisingly) charmed Toshinori into buying for them.

"Hey, look over there!" Nemuri mumbled through her food, pointing into the distance.

Toshinori looked to where she was pointing and strained his eyes to see a blushing Uraraka standing before Izuku Midoriya, his successor. Uraraka seemed to be overjoyed about something, and fell into Midoriya's arms as he rose to catch her. They stood there for a moment, Uraraka kissed Midoriya on the cheek, and they sat back down.

"Aren't they adorable, All Might?" Nemuri mused, still observing the two lovers intently.

"You don't have to use our codenames when we're just hanging out, Nemuri."

"Well, aren't they, Toshinori?"

The former Symbol of Peace smiled. "Yeah, they are. Ah, to be young again."

"Remember when that was me and you, big guy?"

Toshinori became extremely flustered. "What do you mean?"

"Don't be coy with me, mister," Nemuri hummed, tracing a finger down Toshinori's chest. "I simply refuse to believe you've forgotten all the times we snuck out of school to kiss and hold each other, blushing and quivering all the while. I seem to have forgotten where our first kiss was. Do you know?"

Toshinori sighed. "A-Around the back of Gym Gamma. At first you...*heh* you said I sucked at kissing, but once we got the hang of it, it seemed like we couldn't stop."

"I wish we never had, Toshinori."

He turned and looked into Nemuri's eyes. There was still that schoolgirl charm in her movements and expression, even after all these years.

"Why did we stop?" she inquired, sadness invading her tone.

"I don't know. We just drifted apart. I was so focused on...making my master proud and...I got too caught up in all that to give you the attention you deserved. I guess I felt like it would've been unfair of me to try to juggle our relationship and my duty as the Symbol of Peace."

"Well, you're not the Symbol of Peace anymore, are you?"

"No, I guess not."

" you want to try again?"

Toshinori was taken aback. "Pardon?"

"Do you want to try a relationship again, Toshinori?"

"I...but I'm so ugly. Why would you want a old, shriveled-up skeleton like me?"

"It's true that you're not my usual type (by a long shot), but I'm happy to make an exception for an old friend. And don't worry about your physique! We just need to get some food in you. Wanna go for another meal?"

"But...we just finished eating!"


"...(dammit.) Alright, let's go. No need for the puppy eyes and pouty lip."

"Yay!" As they stood up, Nemuri interlocked her fingers with his. "Toshinori, I think this is the start of something beautiful."

"Me too, Nemuri. Me too."


The End

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