My Hero Academia: Todoroki and Yaoyorozu

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"Here," Shoto said in his usual deadpan manner. He offered Momo the bouquet. "I picked these myself. Happy Valentine's Day."

"White and red roses!" Momo exclaimed. "Oh, Todoroki, they're beautiful! Thank you!"


Momo pulled out a marble heart out of her purse and presented it to him.

"I made this myself from my quirk. See, the left side is black, like my hair, and the right side is yours!"

There was a short pause as Shoto examined the heart.

"'re saying your heart is empty and mine is cold?"

Momo's eyes widen and her blush increased. "No no no no no! That's not it at all! I swear, I didn't think of it like that-"

Interrupting her, Shoto did something she had never really seen him do.

He chuckled.

"I'm just messing with you, Yaoyorozu. I like it. Thank you."

Momo smiled. "I'm glad."

Shoto offered her his hand. "Shall we take a walk?"

Momo took his hand and smiled even wider. "I think we shall."


The End

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