My Hero Academia: Kaminari and Jiro

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"Wow! You look-" Kaminari began.

"Shut the hell up," Jiro interrupted, her face beet-red with embarrassment as they met up on the sidewalk. "I hate wearing this stupid outfit. The only reason I'm doing this is because it's Valentine's Day."

"Aww, I thought it was because you lov-"

"Shut up!!!"

Kaminari decided to shut up for once and simply admire his date. Jiro wore a leather jacket over a crop top and short black skirt. She was currently crossing her arms and being pouty.

She's so cute when she pouts, he thought to himself.

"You really hate it that much, babe?"

"Yes, I do. And don' me that."

"Well, sweetheart, if you hate it so much, maybe you should take it off-"

Jiro whacked Kaminari's face with the back of her hand impatiently. "Don't even think about it, idiot. I swear, that pervert Mineta is a bad influence on you."

"Maybe," he admitted. Then, he caught her chin between his thumb and index finger, turning her to face him and his grinning face. "But forget about all that. Just focus on me. I'm focused on you."

Jiro tried to look away. "Don't look at me like that...idiot...we're in public..."

"Look, Jiro. Let's be honest with ourselves. There's no need to call me 'idiot' over and over again the whole night. If you want me to go, I'll go. Simple as that."

Jiro turned her gaze to Kaminari. His eyes were sad, but she knew he meant what he said. If she wanted him to beat it, he'd go in an instant. Granted, he would most likely go off looking like a puppy that just got kicked, and, as much as Jiro thought he was annoying, she couldn't bring herself to see that.

"Can we at least go somewhere a little more private?" she pleaded.

"Sure! I got this cool spot in an abandoned theater I think you'll like."

"Ok, sure, whatever. Let's go."


"This place blows," Jiro said as they walked into the main area of the theater.

"Hey, it's not that bad," Kaminari replied defensively as he got up on the stage. "Besides, it's private." He helped her up onto the stage.

"So, now what?" Jiro asked.

"I don't know. I didn't really plan this far ahead."

"*tsk* Idiot..."

"You said it again," Kaminari said in a sing-song voice. Jiro just rolled her eyes. He suddenly lightened up and smiled. "Hey, I got an idea!"

"Oh yeah? And what would that-"

She never got to finish the question.

In a single instant, Kaminari's lips were on hers. His...on hers...that idiot had kissed her.

He quickly pulled away, flustered and ready for Jiro to end his existence.

At least I'll die happy...

" idiot!"

She slapped him. Somehow, that was infinitely worse than death, because he was still alive to feel the pain. He accepted the blow, rubbing his cheek as she continued.

"That was my first kiss, and don't even have the balls to keep it going. You just gave up. I shouldn't have come here."

Jiro turned to leave, but Kaminari grabbed her arm.

"Jiro, wait!"

Jiro wanted to slap him again, but she relented at the tone of his voice. Turning back with her eyes tearing up, she saw him frowning.

"I'm sorry. You're right, that was a dick move. I just thought you were going to beat me to death or something, and I...well, the truth is, I was scared. I might act all macho, but I was scared, Jiro. I used up almost all my courage to do that, and now I look like a fool. I...I apologize for ruining your night. I'd make it up to you, but...I can tell you don't want to bother with a sleazebag like me."

"Make it up to me how?"

Kaminari jolted a little as he looked at Jiro. "Oh, well, since I messed up your first kiss, maybe I better on the second one?"

Jiro scoffed, and then smirked. "Smooth, Kaminari. Very smooth."

"Is that a...yes?"

His question was answered when their lips met again. He felt like he was in heaven. He finally got the girl. And they were kissing passionately in a moonlit, abandoned theater.

Best Valentine's Day ever!

"Kaminari," Jiro breathed as she pulled away from the kiss.

"Y-Yes, ma'am?"

"I have...I have a request. It''s kind of dumb, but...just humor me, okay?"


"I want you to use your Quirk. I want you to..." Jiro paused, biting her lip and gulping. It was obvious that she was very embarrassed to say her next request.

"I want you to bite my earphone jack, and shock me."

Kaminari raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Damn, Jiro. That's pretty kinky."

"Shut up, please," she grumbled. "I just want you to give me a little jolt. My earphone jacks are just as sensitive as the rest of my ears. Just the bare minimum of power should be enough for me."

"You've wanted to try this for a while, haven't you?" Kaminari said with a smirk. It was true. Ever since she saw him in action, Jiro had...intermittently entertained the thought of him using his Quirk on her.

"Not a long time...just a little bit..."

"Just a little, huh?" he echoed, nibbling her earphone jack and wrapped his arms around her from behind. She sighed.

"Y-Yeah. Just a little."

"Your wish is my command."


A wave of euphoria pulsated through Jiro's body. Her breathing became heavy.

"Oh, Kaminari...~"

"You sound so sexy saying my name like that."

"S-Shut...your mouth...idi-"


"Ah! Kaminari~!"


"Oh, shit! Kaminari!"

"Feels good?"


"Hmm?" He bit into her neck, tugged at her earphone jacks, and gave her a more powerful shock. He got the desired effect.

"Yes! Oh, yes! It feels soooooooo good, Kaminari! Don't stop, please!"

"I wouldn't for anything in the world."


A few minutes later, Jiro had laid her head onto Kaminari's lap, and was resting.

"Holy crap, Kaminari," she whispered shakily. "That much better than I thought it would be."

"I aim to shatter expectations."

"Mission accomplished."

Kaminari was extremely content with himself.

Got the girl, saved the night, had some fun! All a day's work for the great Denki Kaminari!

"Happy Valentine's Day, babe."

"Happy Valentine's Day, idiot."


The End

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