"Oh," she slowly nods her head, "Yeah bathroom." she sits up and goes to the bathroom. The whole time she can feel his eyes on her.

However, she thought the whole situation to be odd. Why did he want her to stay with him? In the bathroom, she stripped and put on the white t-shirt. It went to her knees covering everything just as she liked it seeing as she was only wearing panties underneath. Not knowing what to do with her old clothes she throws them behind the door.

After all, she is the one who cleans his room.

Walking out of the bathroom she holds the hems of the shirt down as it would fly up any minute. She sees Liam laying on the bed eyes shut. He looks so peaceful. She makes her way over. Standing at the edge of the bed she admires him.

His hair had recently been cut (it was a bit shorter than normal), but the stuble that was always on his face hadn't been touched. The power that radiated off him attracted her to him. Like a magnetic pull.

How bad she wanted to run her fingers through his hair, over his stubles of facial hair.

"A picture lasts longer," his eyes pop open and he drinks up her appearance.

Serenity doesn't say anything for a moment, but crosses her arms over her chest, "like I own a phone."

Liam rolls his eyes and sits up. Reaching over he grabs her wrist and pulls her down on the bed with him, "I can change that, so you can take all the pictures you want."

He wraps his arms around her, as she leans into his chest.

For the first time ever she feels like she belongs. Comfortable, safe, and wanted.

                 The next morning Serenity woke up to the darkroom. The curtains were still drawn so they didn't let any sunlight in. An arm was draped over her waist holding her close. Memories came flooding back.

She fell asleep in this man's arms. Then it hit her. They slept through the night. The time. What time is it now?

Gasping she sat up. It's Friday she has school.

"Hey hey hey, what's wrong?" Liam groggily wraps his arms around her waist.

She sat up and looked around. Her clothes were in the bathroom, "it's morning time."

He yawns, "already?"

She rolls her eyes, "yes, it's-" she stops and looks around for a clock, "damn it's almost noon!" She attempts to get up.

"Really?" His grip around her tightens as he lays on her stomachs.

She falls to the mattress with a 'hmph', "Liam I had school today. I'm also sure you has stuff to do also."

"Fuck, might as well just stay in here all day. It's already noon."

"I have training in the afternoon. I'm going to reek of you if I don't go take a shower downstairs before then."

He sighs, "is that such a bad thing?"

"Yes, considering then everyone would know. Who knew you were this clingy?"

Liam looks up at her, "me clingy? Anything but that."

"Oh really?" She pouts out her bottom lip.

"Put that up. It doesn't work around here," he places his hand on her cheek and his thumb grazes across her lip.

"It doesn't? I thought it was doing a pretty good job." She giggles and pushes a piece of her curly hair behind her ear.

"Maybe a little, come here." He grabs her by the chin and places his lips on hers.

The sparks erupted as their lips moved in sync. Slowly they lost their own taste as it began to mix together. Turning into something more.

The chemistry between the two, is un fathomable.

"Liam! Liam I know your in there!"

The quickly flew apart, un connecting. He cursed under his breathe.

"The renovation plans need to be approved! Dude wake up it's almost noon," Mateo began to start knocking on the door.

"Hold up! Give me a second!" Liam stood up, and looked over at Serenity who's eye had grown wide. He reached his hand out to her. She took it and he pulled her up.

"You've had all morning! This is urgent! If the renovations aren't started today they won't be done in time for the ball!"

"Bathroom, go to the bathroom," he whispered in her ear.

Serenity nodded her head and went to the bathroom while he went to open the door. She secured herself safely inside.

"Liam what even are you up to now?" She could hear Mateo on the other side of the door.

"Nothing. I was out late last night hunting, and overslept."

"Overslept. That's your excuse now? Your curtains are still drawn, your doors locked tight (even though you have this floor all to yourself), and this scent," Mateo sniffs around the room, "it isn't only yours. You were worried about a scandal with Zoey, but now your sleeping with someone else?"

Serenity put her hand over her mouth, and put her back to the door.

"What I do is none of your business-"

"What you do is my business! I swear its like you don't even care about the pack anymore!"

Liam growls, "NEVER say I don't care about my pack."

"Why, because from where I'm standing right now you don't. The only person you seems to care about is yourself!"

Liam growls yet again, his eyes flash between colors. He's getting angry.

Serenity deciding it's time to make and appearance opens the bathroom and walks out, "maybe it's time for you leave."

Mateo turns around. He's absolutely dumbfounded, "what? You?"

"Please leave." She walks in between him and Liam.

"I clearly have no clue what's going on here," Mateo began backing up, "I'll leave the paper on your desk." And with that he turns on his heels and walks out the room, slamming the door shut behind me.

Liam let's out another low growl, "so all of my pack mates think it's okay to talk to me like that? Me? Do they know who I am?"

Serenity turned towards him, "it's fine. I'm sure he didn't mean it. He probably just had a stressful morning."

"Get out."

"What? I didn't even d-"

"Get out!"

Clenching her teeth she turns on her heels and stomps out of the room.

Double upload, because I'm in the middle of a blizzard, have no job, or school and have nothing else to do! Enjoy!

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