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You were shocked when Kuroo made you choose between him and Akaashi. Your own boyfriend and your own bestfriend. Akaashi painfully looked at you because.. which girlfriend won't choose her own boyfriend? Meanwhile, Kuroo on the other hand was smirking and smiling very proudly because he knows you can't resist him.

"I.." when you uttered a single word, they looked at you anticipating your answer.

"I choose Akaashi." You said firmly.

Kuroo was stunned because the answer you gave wasn't the answer he expected. "What the fuck y/n? Him over your own boyfriend? What kind of girlfriend are you?"

"And what kind of boyfriend are you? Cheating behind my back? You think I didn't saw you and Emily kissing by the locker room? I did Kuroo, I saw everything. It'd be best if we break up, thank you for everything. Cheater." You grabbed Akaashi's hand and walked to class with him.

Akaashi on the inside felt relieved and happy, he felt elated. First because you broke up with Kuroo meaning he has a chance to win you over and make you his now. Second, he could spend more time with you and nobody could steal you away from him again. He won't let any other people break your heart.

Once sitted down on the chair, your and Akaashi's hand were still interlocked. "Oh sorry!" You apologized and let go. "No it's fine, i like it actually" Akaashi replied. You slightly blushed and nodded.

After school
"Hey wanna go to the usual ice cream shop?" You suggested. Akaashi beamed with joy and nodded, it's all coming together, there's a high chance he could win you.

Upon reaching the ice cream shop, the same cashier as last time was there. You and Akaashi smiled at her and picked the flavour of your choices.

"I'll take cookie and cream as usual, you?" You asked Akaashi since he looked like he was thinking very deeply on which flavour to choose.

"I think i'll take mint chocolate chip" Akaashi finally answered after a few minutes of deep thinking. You giggled and proceed on to order. "I'll pay this time okay?" You insisted.

"No, it's okay i will pay" Akaashi argued back.

The two of you went on and the cashier just looked at the both of you while shaking her head. "Fine how about we share our money?" You suggested. Akaashi nodded in agreement.

"Oh it's the beautiful couple again!" The cashier laughed

"No we-" before you could say anything any further Akaashi covered your mouth and side hug you. "It sure is, isn't my girlfriend beautiful?" Akaashi said locking his eyes with yours and that made your heart flutter.

Oh what's this feeling..?

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