17. You're WHAT?

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Christmas Eve (Again)

"Violet" "Huh?" "I think I'm pregnant" "What?!" "Mhm. I missed my period" "This is great!" "No, it's not!" "Why not? Liam will be so happy" "But his band is finally reaching their peak in fame" "And you think it'll ruin it?" "Mhm" "It won't, Liam will be happy, trust me, now let's go get a pregnancy test okay?" "Okay," 

Frances and Violet went to the store to get a pregnancy test. "How do I use it?" Frances asked. "Pee on it, and then it's yay or nay!" Violet said. "And it's supposed to tell me if I'm pregnant or not?" Frances asked. "Yep," Violet said. There were a few knocks on the door. "Uh oh!" Frances said. "What?" Violet asked. "It's Liam and Axl," Frances said. "I'll stall for you," Violet said. Frances walked to the bathroom and took the test it was positive. Frances was pregnant. 

She began to cry. What if Liam will be mad at me? Frances thought. She heard a knock on the door making her jump. "Frances, baby, are you okay?" it was Liam. Frances swallowed a lump in her throat. "Yeah, I'm fine!" she said. Liam could tell she was crying by the sound of her voice. "Doll, please let me in," Liam said. "I'll be out in a second just go to the living room and wait," Frances said. Liam went back to the living room worry filling his chest. She's never kept anything from me before. Plus she wanted to leave before me! Why is she acting so weird today?  Liam thought. 

Frances walked out of the bathroom. Her heart was pounding. She had one hand on her stomach. She softly rubbed it conscious that there was a tiny human growing inside of her. She smiled a little. She let out a breath as she walked into the living room. Liam sat up and walked over to Frances. Everyone had their eyes on her as tears rolled down her cheeks. Violet knew what this meant. Frances was pregnant. "Frances, what's wrong?" Liam asked a hint of worry in his voice as he pulled Frances into a hug. She pulled away and held Liam's hands. "I'll turn you but don't freak out," Frances said. "I won't," Liam said. "I'm pregnant," Frances said loud enough to where Liam can hear her. Liam's eyes widened before he broke out in a smile and hugged Frances. "We're going to be parents!" he said.

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