8. Sweet Child O Mine

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Axl was sitting in his kitchen drinking coffee and writing down song lyrics. The house was empty without talkative Liam there and Axl couldn't wait for his son's arrival. He soon heard the phone ring and got up to answer it. 

"Hello?" "Axl?" "Yeah" "Liam and Charlie snuck off to a bar while I went to get a hotel. Liam was drugged but seems to be in good condition now, he'll be sent home with a few security guards" "Drugged? Bar? How he isn't even old enough" "Charlie made fake I.Ds," 

Axl hung up. He was shocked, angry, and worried. He waited for Liam to return home to Seattle. He eventually made it and walked inside. "LIAM!" Axl yelled walking up to his son. Liam gasped at Axl's harsh tone. "What is wrong with you? Going to a bar! You're fourteen! I should've never let you go! How can I even trust you anymore?" Axl asked. Liam hung his head and shuffled a bit from where he was standing. He felt hot tears sting his eyes. Axl pulled him into a hug and ran his hand over Liam's red hair. "I don't want anything to happen to you,"  Axl said. "I was so scared when I heard. If anything happens to you I don't know what I'd do with myself." Liam sighed. "I guess I'm not cut out for the rockstar lifestyle huh?" he asked. Axl looked into Liam's brown eyes. "Liam, being a rockstar isn't just about sex, drugs, and alcohol. It's about having fun and pouring your heart out into your music," Axl said brushing a strand of hair out of Liam's face. "And you be you while doing it, sweet child o mine," Axl said. He placed a kiss on Liam's head. 

Hollywood Wasteland was still a thing. And Liam was going to take his father's advice and pour his heart into his music. 

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