14. I Love You

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Liam arrived home just in time for prom. He was taking Frances. He bought a bouget of flowers and a suit. He arrived at Frances's house and picked her up. They were on their way after Courtney took a million pictures of them. 

The two lovebirds arrived at prom. They walked in and the attention was on them. Mostly Liam. He just played a gig with Aerosmith for rock's sake. 

"You're beautiful," he whispered into Frances's ear. Frances blushed. "You're lovely too," she said. They went to the dance floor. Don't Cry played softly. Liam wrapped his arms around Frances's waist and softly swayed to the music while quietly singing along. "I love you, Liam," Frances said. "I love you," Liam said pressing a kiss to Frances's lips. Frances was as red as a tomato. Liam's love for the girl was strong and he never felt happier. Not only has he made Axl proud, but the girl of his dreams is his. All his and no one else's. 

"Come on, Doll," Liam said after an hour. "Where are we going?" Frances asked. "You'll see," Liam said leading her to his truck. "You aren't going to kill me, are you? I still have no proof you aren't an ax murderer!" Frances joked. "You've been dating me for two years," Liam said starting the truck up. "So? That doesn't mean you wouldn't kill me last," Frances said. "I'm not going to kill you, I'm going to take you to where I buried the other bodies," Liam said chuckling. Frances laughed along. 

 Frances stared out the window. Liam was going far out of the way. "Where are we going, baby?" Frances asked. "You'll see in a minute, doll," Liam said. Frances smiled and turned back towards the window. They arrived at a beautiful beach. "Come on," Liam said getting out of the truck. He walked over to the passenger side and opened the door for Frances. He took her hand and helped her down. They walked along the beach and danced as the sun went down.

Liam pressed a kiss to Frances's soft lips and smiled. He pulled away and looked into her beautiful eyes. It was then Liam knew. No girl would ever fill his heart with the same love and passion as Frances. It was then he knew he was going to marry Frances Bean Cobain. 

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