5. Show Time

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"A gig?" "Yeah!" "Tonight?" "Yeah!" "We're not ready, Charlie!" "We are!" "I don't think so!" "Well, we have to start sometime don't we?" "I guess" "Great, don't be late for practice at three! Bye Liam!" "Bye Charlie" 

Liam hung up the phone and paced the floor. Anxiety was building up. A gig? He couldn't possibly do a gig! So soon! He guessed Charlie was right though. They had to start somewhere. 

"You seem nervous," Axl said walking into the living room. "We have a gig tonight," Liam said. "If you're not ready you're not ready. Don't push it," Axl said. "I'm ready, just stage fright I guess. But I have to start somewhere right?" Liam asked. "Yeah, but if you don't want to then don't," Axl said. "I want to. You'll be there too right? We have to practice at Kurt's house and then we'll leave," Liam said. "Yeah, I'll be there I wouldn't miss it for the world," Axl said shooting his son a smile. 

Liam quickly grabbed his notebook (Which he writes songs in) and they headed off to Kurt's off. Liam was nervous. Very, very, nervous. His heart was pounding out of his chest. Playing in front of a large audience was his biggest dream. He didn't ever expect it to actually come true though. It was hard for him to even find a band. When he found a band they practiced for a few months and decided they were ready. Yeah, they all were great their instruments. It's not like they first started playing the second they formed the band. They've been playing for years. They wrote ten songs and mastered all of them in a month. Clearly, they were ready. They being Sam, Max, Charlie, and Violet. Liam wasn't even sure he was ready yet. He knew if he had just told Charlie he wasn't ready he would understand and decide to cancel the gig and do one another time. But no! Liam had to Charlie he was ready and he wanted to do it. He silently cursed himself for that. 

They arrived at Kurt's house and walked in. Slash was already there talking to Dave. Axl walked over there to greet him. Liam scanned the living room for Charlie who seemed to also be looking for him because the second their eyes locked Charlie and smiled and motioned for Liam to come over to him. Liam did as told. "Hey, don't be nervous," Charlie said. "Who said I was nervous?" Liam asked. "It isn't hard to tell with you," Charlie said. "How is it a guy I've known for three months knows me better than my best friend?" Liam asked looking over at Sam who was laughing at something Max had said. Charlie chuckled. "We're soulmates," he joked. Liam smiled. 

"So are we going to practice or not?" Violet asked from her drumkit. "Aw, is someone being left out?" Liam asked with a smirk. "Don't push it, Rose," Violet said not being able to hold back the smile on her face. The band (They named Hollywood Wasteland) practiced for about an hour before they took a break. 

"I don't think we'll have time for another practice session," Charlie said looking at his watch. "So load up and load out," Max said. "I'll help Violet with the drum kit," he added. After about ten minutes of taking down the drum kit and loading it in a box, Kurt called out to the band. "Alright boys and girl let's go!" he called. 

They arrived at the venue. Lots of people were waiting to see the band play. Liam saw the sign and instead of saying 'Hollywood Wasteland' it said 'William A. Rose and Hollywood Wasteland'. The spotlight was on him. Making Liam more and more nervous by the second. Everyone is expecting the son of Axl Rose to put on an amazing show while ignoring the other members of the band. Nervousness transformed into anger but Liam didn't let it show. 

"Tonight we have a local band. The next generation rockstars ready to give it all they got!" A woman said into the microphone. Liam guessed she was hosting the advent. She was wearing one of those sparkly white dresses. It was tight and short. She looked about twenty. Security guards escorted the band backstage. This woman talks too much. Liam thought as he peeped through the curtain that leads to the stage. "Please welcome, William A. Rose and Hollywood Wasteland!" the woman said. The band walked onto the stage the crowd exploded into cheers. The other members are pretty important too! That is what Liam wanted to say as he stood in front of the microphone. But Sam, Charlie, Violet, and Max didn't seem at all bothered by their fame and talent being overshadowed by Liam. 

After the show, a man walked up to them with the woman trailing behind. "You guys did great! How would you like to have a tour bus and go on tour and after that record an album?" the man asked. "Wow!" Violet said. "Yeah!" Liam said. "Okay, here's my number, call me and we can set up a meeting," the man said.

A tour bus! No way! Liam knew that the show was good but not that good. I'll show Mom and James what I'm made of and I'll make dad proud too! Liam thought.

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