The Lover's Tree

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There's this tree that was on the top of a hill. The only other thing that grows on the hill is red and purple roses. This tree is known as 'The Lover's Tree'. The tree's branches make hearts in the middle. In the heart little branches wrote out 'R+V', there was a ring around one of those branches. (drawing up top is a sketch I made of what the tree looks like) 

It's said, whatever couple kisses under the tree, will stay together forever. Everyone knows the story of The Lover's Tree.

Two hundred years ago, there were these forbidden lovers. The couple's name's were Roman and Virgil. Their love was forbidden because they were gay lovers. During the time they lived, being LGBTQ+ was considered wrong and was not allowed. When their parents found out, the two were forbidden from seeing each other.

Roman heard some people talking. People in the village thought Virgil was a witch, and they were going to be put on trial to be hung. As soon as he heard Roman ran to tell Virgil. The two decided to run away together. Roman and Virgil meet on the top of the hill, just before sundown, with their bags.

Years later, it is said, Roman came back to the hill alone. He looked like he was in utter despair, his face was tear stand, and his hair was a mess. It was said he was seen digging a hole. He put a seed and a beautiful ring with purple and red jewels in the hole. He covered the whole back up and sat there, crying, mourning the loss of his love.

No one knows what happened next. They just know the next morning Roman wasn't at the top of the hill anymore, and over the years a tree started to grow in the very spot Roman was seen digging.

(313 words. I hope this was good. It's the result of an idea I had at like midnight.)  

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