"What time is it?"

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Roman and Virgil were sitting in Roman's room. "What time is it?" he asked. He and Virgil had been watching different Disney things.

"Dunno. Just a sec," Virgil then as loud as he could he yelled, "Infinitesimal!!"

Logan burst into the room, "It was one time! Stop bringing it up. Especially at 2 AM," he then left.

Virgil turned to Roman, "it's 2 AM."

"Okay, we should go to sleep," Roman said.


Roman turned off the TV, and the two cuddled up. They both soon fell asleep. 

(88 words.) 

Virgil: That's a good idea. I might do that. 

Logan: Do not do that! 

Virgil: Infinitesimal. 

Logan: Do not! 

Patton: Virgil, kiddo, that's enough. Leave Logan alone. 

Virgil: Fine. 

Virgil: Infinitesimal! *sinks out* 

Logan: Virgil! 

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