Chapter Forty-Four | Killian

Start from the beginning

The voices from the first floor rang all throughout the house. Killian closed his eyes tight, trying his best to tune out the loud arguing and the overruling bellow from Jasper's powerful voice as the man yelled, "Enough!" An eerie silence followed his order, once that made Killian's stomach churn uncomfortably. He knew if Jasper chose to stay that his partner would be a good leader eventually. But as of late, he'd been rightfully stressed—it would take some time for Jasper to get used to it.

After what felt like forever—but must have only been an hour—the meeting was dismissed. It was completely dark outside, with only the moonlight to aid Killian's sight. After another ten minutes when everything had settled down, there was a quiet knock at the door. It took Killian a few seconds with parted lips to force himself to speak. He managed to choke out, "Jasper?"

The door opened and Killian felt immediate relief. Jasper padded calmly into the room, his muscles relaxed. There were stressed circles beneath his eyes and his hair tuft was unkempt—Killian could only guess his lover had ran his hand through it one too many times, as he usually did when stressed. "It's just me, love." Jasper murmured. When quiet, Killian could hear the deep bass of his partner's comforting voice.

Without mustering any sort of words, Killian lifted his arms with a small frown. Jasper's smile made him feel warm and fuzzy, even more so when his lover reached under his arms and pulled him against his chest. Killian wrapped his arms around Jasper and held onto the other man's shirt, burying his face into the space between Jasper's neck and shoulder. He sucked in deep, calming breaths and gradually felt his pulse even out.

"I'm sorry for yelling so much, I know you don't like it." Jasper murmured, pressing a soft kiss against Killian's brow as he held him.

Killian nuzzled his face as close as possible, feeling Jasper's warm body and taking in every ounce of affection he was given. "S'okay." He mumbled, "I know you weren't mad at me. I just know." Killian couldn't explain it. It was fear, but he never wanted Jasper to think he was afraid of him. Jasper didn't truly frighten Killian, it was the thought. The lingering memories of his father.

"I know." Jasper soothed. He cradled the back of Killian's head, petting his hair for comfort. "I know that you don't think I'd ever hurt you. I wouldn't, not ever. But I know you get frightened sometimes, that's alright."

A soft sigh left Killian's lips as he felt his back pressed against the wall. A deep flush covered his cheeks and he pressed his face even closer against Jasper's neck, placing small kisses along his lover's skin. Jasper chuckled, running his finger down Killian's spine to make him shudder. "You're always so sensitive." The man teased, pressing a warm kiss on Killian's jaw.

"Don't act like you didn't do that on purpose," Killian huffed. He frowned, but he knew it would look more like a flustered pout to Jasper—he hated it. Jasper's blue eyes gave nothing away, the man only nuzzled Killian's head to the side and delivered a quick love bite on his earlobe, gently tugging at the sensitive skin between his teeth. Killian swallowed back a lump in his throat, closing his eyes and enjoying his partner's company. Jasper's breath tickled his ear and neck, raising goosebumps along his body.

Jasper paused as Killian shook his head. The anxious feeling in his stomach still hadn't gone away. "Not tonight," He whispered softly, pressing closer against Jasper and away from the wall. "Just hold me this time."

There was a long pause, Killian's anxiety raised to new heights as he waited for Jasper's response. Despite knowing better, the younger man's immediate instinct would always be to expect the worst—anger, disgust, resentment. But Jasper showed none of those, not even disappointment. "Okay, love." He simply said. Killian could feel Jasper's muscles working beneath his shirt as his partner carried him across the room. Jasper carefully laid down on the bed, still not letting go.

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