Start from the beginning

The cursed cycle. Or the blessed. Perhaps the most famous triplet cycle in Fennbirn's history. Mirabella Mistbane, Katharine the Undead and Arsinoe the White Handed. None of their names have been forgotten. They have been whispered to the ears of the island's children of Halia's generation, Nalani's own generation and will be whispered for centuries to come.

They are lucky in a way. All three of them remembered as legends; in most triplet cycles only one queen's name is remembered and carried through the steady march of time.

"I wonder how many suitors will seek to court you," Hestia says, thinking on Nalani's description of Demetri, "Demetri definitely will and by the sounds of it, he's rather handsome and charming."

Nalani shoots her a glare, "charming is one word for it," she says drily, "but he doesn't compare to Rowan."

Hestia rolls her eyes, "I love my cousin and I love you, I want the best for you both but you can't just shut out the notion of being courted by the suitors."

"Yes I can," Nalani says stubbornly, "no one decides what I want or who I want other than me."

"I'm only saying that I don't want you to get hurt," Hestia explains calmly as Nalani's scowl depend, "Rowan cannot be your king consort."

"I am well aware of that thank you," Nalani says with a glint in her eyes.

"It's not fair that you have to make so many sacrifices as a queen queen but we both know you cannot escape the island or the Goddess' reach," Hestia remarks, sounding too pious for Nalani's liking even though she knows Hestia is trying to help her. But it just reinforces the gravity of her own situation. No escape for Nalani. Not ever.

"Well soon I will be the queen and no one will be able to escape from my reach," Nalani says, her familiar smirk returning, "I'm sure I will be able to bewitch my future king consort and balance both him and my private life, which Rowan is not leaving anytime soon."

Hestia rolls her eyes and returns her smile, "you know damn well your king consort will be wrapped around your little finger in no time."

Nalani inclines her head, "well the Goddess gave me both good looks and good charm for a reason, it would be a shame for it to go to waste."

"You might want to save that charm for the rest of our friends, they're all still angsty and upset from the events at Beltane," Hestia says and then her face darkens as they approach the rest and Nalani reluctantly follows, she isn't very good at dealing with people when they're upset. Matters of the heart are far more difficult than matters of state.

Her friends who have gathered here today though may help her to rule one day but for now now is a more causal gathering. With the time they have left free of the full weight of responsibilities.

Nimue. Rowan. And Hestia obviously. Nalani did invite Morrigan but the warrior is away with her mother for some sort of errand. In Prynn apparently. And Kali of course is working. Shame, Nalani enjoys her banter with the warrior.

It hasn't always been easy but Nalani is glad to have these people around her, they are slowly becoming her inner circle. It used to be just her and Hestia, and Kali at times. Now she has Rowan again and new people. People she feels like she can trust. Good possible additions to her Black Council, a queen can always use good counsel.

It's a beautiful day, with the sun painting the blue sky and the meadow they all sit in, daisies and daffodils everywhere as is the trend with the spring season - flowers of hope bathing under sunlights, ironic how everyone's moods are dour. Perhaps the Goddess is mocking her.

ONE DARK QUEEN ❖ (A Three Dark Crowns Tale)Where stories live. Discover now