Chapter 12 - Grandma's house

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Gine stood with her back against the door of the banished house. Two former residents stood beside her. Across from them stood five large bounty hunters. "This is going to be an easy one boys" One of the men had strange glasses on his head.

"Don't you dare take one step further, I'll kill you all!" shouted Gine. She knew she was not the strongest fighter but no one and really no one will touch her children.

The bounty hunters ran towards the house, Gine and the other two ran towards the hunters. They found each other in the middle. The two former residents both had a hunter. Gine fought two at a time. Even though she will pull all the strength out of her toes, no one will go past that door. The man with the crazy glasses was still watching from a distance.

They were not on the winning side. The two boys were quickly injured and became unconscious. Gine bit back her tears and fired a big ki blast. "Get out of here!" she shouted.

A bounty hunter stood close by and lashed out at Gine. She managed to dodge him and kicked him in the ribs. Behind her another appeared, she just managed to block his fist. But she was blown backwards a bit.

The hunter with the strange glasses pointed a gun at Gine. She was getting ready for impact. No one will go to that door as long as she lived. Bracing herself, she saw the rifle firing, straight at her.

She blinked, nothing more. But two figures stood between her and hunters. A small one with a red riding hood and a large broad man, with extremely familiar hair. Gine could only stare "Ba-bardock" she stammered. Goku turned around, he was looking at the small woman who was supposed to be his mother. "Kakarot!" her hands slammed in front of her mouth and tears ran down her cheeks.

At that moment, all five bounty hunters began firing their pistols. Hana turned around and shielded Gine. But nothing hit the women. Gine looked shocked at the girl under the red hood "Hana?" Hana had a big smile on her face. Together they stood up and saw a Super Saiyan dropping all bullets from his hands.

"That was low, if you guys want a fight you can have one" Goku looked determined. But then Hana gave a snarl and balled her fist "Sofuti!". The man with the strange glasses started laughing. "Ah if that isn't our little Red. Nice to hear you again".

"I should have killed you when I had the chance, dirty sewage animal." Hana went to stand next to Goku. "You can have those four but Sofuti is mine." Goku nodded in agreement. They both flew towards their targets.

Four men circled the Saiyan legend. One flew at him but Goku easily managed to punch him away. Two others flew at Goku from two different directions. He easily danced around this and with a blow to their heads they collapsed.

One of the men had thought of another target and ran towards Gine. She knocked him away with her fist. The man remained standing and fired a ki blast at her. This one she blocked but it took a lot of energy. Meanwhile the door to the house had opened slightly and a small boy of about four years jumped in front of Gine. "Okra, go inside you are too small."

"You can't hurt mommy" and the little boy went into attack position. But Gine went to stand in front of him "Okra, inside now!" The bounty hunter fired a ki blast but it didn't hit Gine and Okra. Goku stood in front of her. "That was low, a child?" This had obviously struck a nerve with Goku and the man was knocked far away.

"Go inside little boy" Goku looked at the little boy. He was about the same age as his granddaughter. Okra wouldn't leave and Gine lifted him up. "I bring you inside now, Kakarot has our back."

Meanwhile, Hana was fighting with Sofuti . Despite his blindness, he managed to follow all her movements. "What hip glasses you have Sofuti" joked Hana. "Yes hey, with these everything is transmitted to my brain with electro signals. I not only see everything in front of me but also everything next to me." At that moment he put his gun to the side facing the house and fired. Hana followed the bullet "Mother, Okra! No!"

She saw Gine go down with Okra, she saw blood. She saw panic and little Okra hanging weak. Hana felt something snap in her head. She had failed, her hands began to tremble, all the muscles tightened and the rest of her body shook. Lightning struck the ground around them. She wanted to scream, but she didn't know if anything was coming out of her mouth. Dust came up. She let out a cry and she felt raw power flow through her body like a warm wave. She looked at Sofuti tightly. He looked scared and she felt stronger than ever.

Goku was standing with Gine and Okra in a split second. Without thinking, he pressed two Senzu beans into the mouths of the two people he had caught in his arms. At first he heard his mother cough, but then he saw little Okra also slowly opened his eyes. The little one pointed startled "What is that!"

All three looked toward Hana. Her braids danced up on energy, plucks of hair had come out of them. And her hair was blonde; an energy aura had wrapped itself around her. She flew toward the bounty hunter and in one motion turned his head three hundred sixty degrees. Then she flew towards the other bounty hunters. She was done with it.

"Hana!" cried Gine. "Hana stop." Startled, Hana turned around. She saw Goku with his mother and Okra. All three of them looked at her. Tears of happiness fell down her cheeks. She flew at them and hugged all three of them at once. Hana's hair turned dark brown again as Gine stroked her head. "My little Hana, I am so proud of you my girl.

"Mother I'm sorry, I must have done something wrong that they are here. Please forgive me". Gine put a finger under Hana's chin and forced her to look at her. She shook no, "You have done nothing wrong, I have failed you". Then Gine looked at her son "I failed you too, I don't expect you can ever forgive me but" at that moment Goku put his arms around her and pulled her into a hug. He had seen her love. There was no evil in this little woman.

Then she heard an explosion from the village. "Go ahead Hana, I have to hand out two more senzu beans. Just go to Vegeta and Trunks". Hana nodded to Goku and gave a wink to Gine and Okra. "She's so cool" Okra whispered.

Trunks stood among a number of bounty hunters. He had managed to keep them at a distance from the residents without too much trouble. The last of them were just fleeing when he felt a familiar ki next to him. He turned around "Hana!" Happy, the two young lovers looked at each other. Vegeta arrived there as well, he had a person in his grip and threw him to the ground. From the other side, Goku and Gine came flying in. The man who had been thrown to the ground by Vegeta slowly woke up "Shit" he grumbled.

Dragonball Super - Little Red Riding HoodTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang