Chapter 7 - Biker bar

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The group watched the ship as it flew into the air. Angrily, Hana gave a shout. She looked at the broken transmitter on the ground. That was her only communication towards home. For over two years she had had no contact. She was so angry and sad. She jumped up and flew away, alone.

Goku looked at Vegeta "Were you following this?" he asked sheepishly. Vegeta looked at his comrade "Yeah a little bit". He looked at the pieces what was on the ground. Trunks had moved to stand next to his father "Mom and I have work to do" and he began to pick up the pieces from the ground.

The group gathered "where is Hana?" asked a worried Gohan. "She needs some time" said Vegeta. "Come, we are going home, the danger is over for a while" said Goku. And everyone took off, towards their own homes.

Back at the Briefs family home, a worried Bulma ran up to her husband and son. "What happened?" she asked worriedly. "Vegeta crossed his arms and sighed. "I think something important got broken," and Trunks darted the broken transmitter onto a table.

"We can make that, but I'm missing a person" said Bulma slightly annoyed. Father and son looked at each other. "Let me put it this way, the Saiyan woman was no match for our little firecracker. But I don't think Hana won". Vegeta looked worriedly towards the direction they were coming from.

The mother of the family stared at her husband. Then at her son. "The Saiyan woman would not listen to Hana. What is happening in that camp they came from. There was pure hatred for dad. They also kept talking about a mother."

"She was shocked by the name Kakarot. Why?" Vegeta walked inside the house. Mother and son stayed behind. "Mom, I'm going to look for her. I'm worried." Bulma picked up the broken transmitter and nodded understandingly to her son. "Then I'll go look at this."

Trunks flew around. This was no use; she kept her power level low. He flew past the place where the fight had taken place. With his eyes closed he concentrated. Very weak, but believe he had found her.

There was a village, it looked gray and brown. Small houses and lots of clutter. A police car by a smashed store window. A little further on a car that was on fire. A group of people stood by. Trunks landed and asked a bystander what had happened. "A chick, you don't want to get in trouble with that one."

"Where is she now?" asked Trunks slightly annoyed. The man pointed to a biker bar. "Over there, that chick is over there." Slowly he walked towards the biker bar. A man of large stature stood at the door "are you lost?" "I'm just looking for my lady friend, that's all" and Trunks walked into the bar.

There sat Hana, on the bar. With her legs crossed and a beer in her hand. Trunks could guess who had robbed the store. She had a different outfit. High black with red lace-up boots just below the knee. Jean shorts and a red top crop with a leather jacket. She still had her braids in. She had a pair of sunglasses on her head. She was laughing with some biker dudes.

He walked in a straight line toward Hana. Hana saw him and dropped her arms back and leaned on them. "Hey pretty boy" she winked. "What are you doing here?" asked Trunks in surprise. "Two beers Bob" and the bartender put two brown bottles on the bar. The two continued to look at each other intently.

"I just wanted to have some fun, blow off some steam" She sat up a little more upright and shoved the bottle of beer at Trunks. He accepted it and looked at the bottle and then at Hana. "Is he bothering you Mrs. Little Red?" It was the man from near the door. "No way, this cutie belongs with me" flirtatiously she gave the man a wink and she took a big gulp of beer.

"Always toughing it out huh?" asked Trunks now a little amused. She had all the people here around her finger in no time. She was eighteen and drinking beer on top of a bar and she was clearly respected. Or they were just scared that was also possible. "Not too much, but if you want to stay at the top you have to put yourself out there." She was now leaning a little more towards Trunks.

Then suddenly she sat up straight "Do you know that game?" She pointed to a pool table. "Not really, but hey once should be the first time" laughed Trunks. Hana jumped off the bar holding her beer and grabbed Trunks by the hand. Together they went to the green table. They watched others do it and put the balls down. "Ladies first" said Trunks now almost flirtatiously. Hana winked.

An hour later and the two had fairly figured out the game. Trunks was better but Hana tried to distract him. Occasionally Hana snapped her fingers and Bob came and brought two more beers. Flirtatiously, the two young Saiyans were constantly making jokes. Hana was just about to shoot a ball away when the door at the entrance flew open. A group of rough biker men entered.

"We heard there was someone here trying to be tough. Who thinks to take over our bar" said a fat man with a big beard. "That's me" said Hana enthusiastically. She almost jumped in the air. "Girl, don't you need to go to your mama. She has milk bottle ready for you". Twisting the cue around her finger, Hana jumped onto a table. "Don't you need to go home; senior's happy hour is long over". Trunks went and sat with Bob at the bar for a while.

Bob poured Trunks a beer. "Your girlfriend is firecracker or not?" remarked Bob. Bob was a tall man with a gentle face hidden under a thick mustache. Trunks turned around laughing. He saw how Hana stood her ground and easily floored the group of bikers. Trunks shook his head amused.

Then the jukebox began to play the song Jailshouse Rock and Hana grabbed Trunks' arm. "Come dance" and before he realized it they were on the dance floor. Both were not dance stars but tipsy the two had the most fun on the dance floor. Hana pirouetted under Trunks' arm and he grabbed her. And they looked at each other closely for a moment. Then they started dancing again. Or at least an attempt to.

An hour or two later, they flew home. They held each other's hands to fly a little straight. They flew over the spot where Big Red had landed earlier that day. For a moment Hana looked at the spot with one eye. Trunks stopped causing Hana to stop as well "What is it" she asked startled.

"Tell me this, why do you always act so tough. You have such a big heart. How you protected my sister, how you laughed. It just makes no sense". Slowly the two moved towards the ground. When their feet were on the ground Hana sighed deeply. "It's kill or be killed out there. The tougher, the safer. I'm strong and fast, but if I let my guard down I'm done for. And it feels good to be the big girl once in a while". Trunks shook his head.

"But no matter how sexy and tough you look right now, I had a mega fun night with a super sweet girl. And she stands her ground which is pretty cool" Trunks started to rattle off but at that moment Hana grabbed his cheeks with two hands and kissed him. He answered right away by pushing her lips apart and their tongues danced around each other. For a moment they let go of each other "Pretty boy" smiled Hana. Only to find each other again.

Half an hour later they arrived at the Briefs' house. They giggled some more, pressing their fingers to their own lips to make it clear that the other must do quietly. It seemed to work; no lights went on. Trunks grabbed Hana's hand and pulled her along. He opened his bedroom door and pulled her inside. While kissing, he pushed the door closed and took off her jacket.

Mischievously, they looked at each other. Pieces of clothing fell to the floor. Together they fell into bed. They kissed and pleasured each other. Together they became one. Together they had a heated night.

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