Chapter 11 - The gray wolf

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Four Saiyans stood at the front of the ship. Trunks was at the wheel. "We will arrive in half an hour" said Trunks while checking the navigation.

"Time to get ready" and with that Hana turned to the little room with the bed. She grabbed Bulma's new clothes. "This is perfect" she said cheerfully.

Five minutes later she returned to the men. Proudly she showed off her outfit. She had high boots with red laces and red edging. She had on light grey leggings. She had a dress on with the skirt in wild folds around her with a red underskirt. Her shirt was tight with long sleeves, around her waist was a red corset of the same material as Vegeta's armor. She wore a wide belt with her knives and fighting stick. Around her shoulders hung her red riding hood.

"Are you ready?" asked Vegeta slightly worriedly. "Of course, it's like coming home anyway" she remarked boldly. Trunks shook his head. "And you Kakarot? Ready to meet mother?" Goku looked straight ahead. His main concern was to fight and protect the children. He said nothing

"So I have no idea what we are going to find. I don't know how they are going to react to our arrival" Hana sounded dreary. Vegeta put his hand on her shoulder "It's time to prove that they are fooled. And of course we'll kick some unwanted guests out of the camp".

Hana put her hand on her teacher's. "Thank you your highness for being with me." Vegeta chuckled, highness started as a sarcasm-name. But it had grown to mean respect by now. He squeezed her shoulder for a moment and walked away.

Slowly, the small desert-like planet came into view. It was a raw, dry planet. There was in no way interesting planet. It was a good spot to hide; here no one ever has any reason to look for.

They flew to the spot from the coordinates Tyme had given them. They flew over the planet and saw deserts, large sand worms, and small pathetic groups of trees and villages of local inhabitants.

"There! There it is" Hana made a small jump and pointed to a village with small stone houses. "Oh no!" she called right after it. Three large ships with their entrances open were standing next to the village. She saw explosions and ki blasts going into the air. "Trunks open the bay door now!" she shouted.

"Trunks do it! You land the ship. We three go to the village in advance" called Vegeta to his son. "Kakarot are you ready?" He turned to his fellow Sayian. "I'm waiting for you though" he remarked smiling.

The door was open. Hana's eyes skimmed over the village. She wanted to fly away but Vegeta grabbed her wrist. "Let go of me!" she shouted. "What is your plan?" asked Vegeta. "Mother, the children" Hana looked determined. "Kakarot, you go with Hana. I'm going to the village". And with that the team split into two groups.

Vegeta flew in a direct line towards a group of Sayian fighters who were taking on some hunters in the middle of the village. He landed in the middle of the group with his arms crossed and a victory smile on his face. "I believe I hear your mother calling you boys" he turned to the hunters.

"Another arrogant Sayian, your head sure makes a nice wall decoration!" shouted one of the hunters. Vegeta started laughing hard. "Prince Ve-Vegeta?" a stuttering male voice came from the group of Sayian fighters. "Tyme, nice to see you again. It's a bit of a dump around here don't you think".

Tyme came to stand next to Vegeta. The old childhood acquaintances looked at each other. Then a hunter flew towards Vegeta. With ease he was launched into a wall. "You have to wait your turn though." Vegeta turned to Tyme again "How were you discovered, according to Hana no one knew about your location?" A hunter began to laugh.

"No one, except yourselves. And one of you was foolish enough to betray it". The hunter had a dirty smile on his face. "Your big girl Mieta was so stupid to fall for our leader, big gray wolf. And she told everything." Vegeta balled his fists and flew at the hunter. He jumped aside and pointed a gun at Vegeta. He fired, but Vegeta who became Super Saiyan easily knocked the bullet away.

Everyone looked breathlessly at Vegeta in his Super Saiyan form. Vegeta grabbed the hunter by his throat "And where can I find this gray wolf and his bitch?" The hunter was having trouble breathing. "Talk you maggot" and he dropped the hunter to the ground.

"In the big ship with the big gray wolf symbol" the hunter was still gasping for breath. Vegeta kicked the hunter away as if it were a beach ball. At that moment Trunks landed next to him "Dad!" Vegeta looked at his son "Son, you help here I will be going wolf hunting". Tyme looked surprised at Vegeta's purple haired son. "Is he strong enough" he asked carefully. At that moment Trunks became Super Saiyan.

Vegeta flew up and towards the ship. Behind him he left his son with the group of Saiyans. These were amazed by the legend before them and gained renewed enthusiastic fighting spirit.

A large white ship with a drawing of a gray wolf on the side stood at the edge of the village. Vegeta landed in front of it and called out "Oh little wolf, will you come out and play?" Vegeta was clearly in the mood for a fight. He saw a large figure come out of the ship "Oh hello Vegeta, long time no see".

Out of the ship came a large (6 feet) older man, wild gray hair and thick sideburns. He was wearing Frieza armor and had a scouter on. Across his face ran a thick scar. He had a tail, too short for a Saiyan, or no? It was a Saiyan tail but it was shortened. "Who are you again?" asked Vegeta in surprise.

"Don't you remember me? Ah you were only little when your father banished me. My name is Puha, the banished and despised Saiyan" The man stood with his arms crossed self-assured in the opening of his ship. "No your name doesn't ring a bell indeed. I guess you weren't too important". The Saiyan prince stood up proudly.

"You are as arrogant as your father. But it is foolish of you to come here. I was already exterminating the Saiyans. But now that I have found the camp it will all be easier and I will finish you off with them" The gray wolf was confident in his plan.

"Oh are you so sure about that?" Vegeta walked up to the gray wolf with a triumphant grin. And then he was gone, a split second later he was standing in front of the gray wolf. The wolf was startled and took a step backwards. "What now?"

Vegeta grabbed the man by his armor and threw him out. In no time, a number of hunters stood around the pair. "Your pups can't hurt me Puha" the prince walked very calmly towards his prey.

The hunters began firing at the prince with pistols. But a simple transformation to super Saiyan and the bullets reflected off Vegeta. He didn't have a scratch. "That tickled" laughed the arrogant prince. Within a second Vegeta was standing next to a hunter and gave him a blow to the neck. The other hunters looked startled.

Ten whole seconds later and the hunters dropped to the ground one by one. Vegeta flew at Puha and knocked him to the ground. "Call your men back" commanded Vegeta. "No, this is my revenge. The extermination of all Saiyans. I will never stop". A punch between the eyes and the gray wolf fell knocked out on the ground.

While this was all playing out Goku and Hana were on their way to the outcast house. There was a ship there too, they heard screaming. They rushed to the sound.

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