''This is all your fault!'' I yell at Hades.

''Please tell me how this is my fault, I wasn't the one who flung her across the room!'' He yells back at me.

We have been.. Yelling.. A lot at each other since the incident, and since Lucifer took her away to who knows where. Not even Hades knows where he took her, and that says a lot. He usually knows where everyone goes when they leave from here, but not this time. Which means one thing.

We just found out that Lucifer has a secret place that not even Hades knows about. Which doesn't make this any better. If anything, it made Hades even angrier than he was before. He keeps shooting his blue flames at everything around him, occasionally burning me in the process.

''You touched her! You can't just use her like another one of your toys!'' I tug on my hair, and I'm sure that if I pulled just a little harder my scalp would be bleeding.

For a second he stops his blue flames from doing anymore damage, and instead he smirks at me. ''I never even touched her like that, not yet at least.. And if you were there you would have seen that she liked the things I did to her, hell you would be able to hear her cute little moans-''

I throw a punch at his face, making him spit out blood. ''Don't talk about her like that!''

''She only cried because she doesn't know what to feel about any of this. And all while she enjoys my touch, she's fascinated by Lucifer. She's confused and all her emotions are all over the place'' Hades push me back, making me hit hard against the stone wall.

I slide down against the wall. ''What do you mean that she's fascinated by Lucifer? He's the most cold arrogant bastard I know, he doesn't even let anyone in! And what if he ends up snapping her neck, just because she said something wrong that made him lose control''

I look up at Hades to see him sit down on the opposite side of me, leaning with his back against that wall. ''While we were away.. Well obviously I took you with me, so that she couldn't talk to you, the girl feels sorry for you even though you killed her parents. I blame your memories entering her mind for that'' He rolls his eyes.

She feels sorry for me? So she doesn't hate me.. Maybe I do have a chance after all. ''But then I came here to say hello, and guess what. She's been spending time in that damn library of his. He even let her borrow his books! He never lets anyone touch those dusty old things..'' He sounds angry, and jealous when he explains the situation to me.

And I can't help but feel my heart getting crushed a little more when I hear all that. One thing is Hades having this weird obsession with her. Not that my obsession isn't weird either, and the fact that I caught feelings for a girl I literally stalked.. But that's beside my point here. If she does have some feelings for Hades, then I know he would ruin that at some point, because he is Hades after all. And I refuse to believe that he will ever change his way of living.

But if Lucifer, out of all people. Managed to catch her attention by being the cold stupid bastard he is. Then I don't know what to do. And if he really let her come into his stupid library that he adores so much, and let her spend a lot of time in there. Even letting her borrow some books.. Hell even the fact that he took her with him, because of Hades and I. I'm not stupid, I know she needed help. But he should be the last one of all people to take care of her. If anything I would have guessed he found her nothing but annoying. But this must mean..

''He likes her..''

''Ah, ding, ding, ding, and we have a winner. Congratulations on figuring that out'' Hades replies while clapping his hands together.

''But Lucifer doesn't like anyone..'' I mumble.

''And yet, she did something to get underneath his cold facade..'' We stare at each other. Both of us with a defeated look on our faces. Because how do you get a girl, no not just any girl.. How do you get Adelaide away from someone like him? She's curious about most things, so of course the cold hearted man caught her attention. I bet it's because he pushed her away, and the way he didn't show any sort of emotions that caught her attention. Making her feel the need to know this mysterious man, and in return for her pushing her way in. She actually got him to open up.

Damn you Adelaide.. Why couldn't you just stay far away from him?

I don't know what to do anymore.. How the fuck did she manage to get all of us wrapped around her little finger, without even doing anything special? Hades has never shown his interest for someone for longer than a week at longest? And Lucifer doesn't show emotions other than when he gets really, really angry. Which is scary. And from what I know, then he hasn't ever loved anyone. Never felt anything for anyone. So what happens now if he truly does like her? I don't think he's just going to let that go, no way he's going to do that.

What the fuck do I do?

''I see you haven't killed each other yet, good'' Speaking of the devil..

We both look up at him walking our way, and then Hades gets up. Pointing his finger at Lucifer. ''I'm going to fucking rip those wings out from your back!'' At this point I don't even know what to do, or what to say. It's all just too much for my head to handle.

''You want to hurt me? Even though I'm the reason why Adelaide is still alive. If it hadn't been for me, she would have bled to death before any of you realized what had happened'' He sits down on one of the chairs, looking at us like we're small children.

''Oh shut up will you, the only reason you helped her is because you like her. You don't find her annoying at all, do you? Lucifer'' Hades crosses his arms over his chest, looking at Lucifer who still has a cold expressionless face. ''Now give her back''

''Yeah, you can't just take her away like that. Where even is she?'' I ask, getting up to stand beside Hades.

Lucifer raises one of his eyebrows at us. ''She's not a thing for me to just give back, she's a person Hades. And Satan, or Sebastian as she likes to call you. Why would I ever tell you where she is? So you can go stalk her again?''

I clench my fist, and move to take a step forward but Hades stops me with his hand. ''I see what game you're playing. You just want to keep her for yourself, don't you?'' Hades walks up to stand behind Lucifer's chair. ''You find her innocence mesmerizing..'' He whispers into his ear. ''You find yourself wanting to touch her delicate skin'' Lucifer's expression turns annoyed. ''Wanting to taste her on the tip of your tongue'' Hades moves around the chair to stand in front of Lucifer. ''And you want to absolutely ruin her, to have her beg for you to stop. When her little body can't handle anymore, and she screams out in pleasure.. Now did I hit the jackpot Lucifer?'' Hades smirks down at him.

I feel my mouth hanging open from the words Hades spoke. And then I see Lucifer getting up from the chair, staring Hades down. ''Where do you want this to go Hades? What's the point of your little speech?''

''I got the reaction I needed.. But isn't it annoying that you're not the only one she wants? Not the only man her body screams for'' Hades continues to taunt Lucifer, and I'm scared that he might lose his shit soon. So I find myself backing away from the two.

''Hades, I think you should stop now'' I tell him, looking worriedly at Lucifer as I watch him get angry.

Hades looks back at me, with that sparkle in his eyes. ''You talk about her body only Hades, but is that all you want from her? Is that why you're so jealous, because she's out of your reach? Or are you feeling threatened because you know that you will never have her heart?'' Lucifer suddenly speaks up, his voice calm. His facial expression, calm. His body language, calm.

Everything about him is calm, as he walks away from Hades. While Hades on the other hand looks like he's about to murder the entire planet. ''It was good seeing that the two of you haven't killed each other yet. I'll be back some other time'' As he speaks he passes by me, and I feel my body tense up in fear. While Hades hits the wall, making it crack and a couple of stones fall out from it.

And just like that, Lucifer left again. Off to his secret little hideout we can't find. Off to be where the girl we all want is.

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