Chapter 18

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Sasuke updated Sakura on the situation as Naruto collected the pieces of his mangled desk.

"I don't understand why, but what happened to him feels oddly familiar to me." She pressed her finger to her lips and thought for a moment. Ultimately, she shrugged it off.

The three of them had concluded that the boy was Naruto's son, but not this Naruto's son.

What they didn't understand was why or how he was brought to them. Naruto shrugged it off because it was clear the boy was no threat, but Sasuke was determined to get to the bottom of it. However, ultimately Sakura convinced him to leave it until after the inauguration.

"After tomorrow, I'm going to find out just what the hell happe-" Sasuke began but stopped suddenly when he saw Naruto throw himself dramatically on the floor.

"Are you feeling okay Naruto?" Sakura asked, worried for her friend. They all had to go and report to Tsunade, but it felt wrong to just leave without talking to Naruto first.

Naruto was sprawled on the floor of the mostly empty apartment and Sakura and Sasuke were sitting on opposite ends of the couch. "I feel fine, but..." He furrowed his brows and exhaled deeply.

Sakura and Sasuke exchanged worried looks.

He suddenly sat up. "But I'm really worried about you two."

"About us?" Sakura was confused.

Sasuke gave Naruto a dirty look. "Why are you worried about us, you idiot?"

Naruto stood up. "I just got to meet my son, but you two..." He threw his hands up in exasperation. "You two are never going to have the chance to meet your kid unless you start dating already!"

Sakura sighed in frustration. "Not this again."

Sasuke turned a deep shade of red that was a mixture of both anger and embarrassment. "Your child from another world appears, leaves us with a million questions, and you're worried about us not having children?"

Naruto was still on the floor and his frustration was evident. "Yes, this again!" He waved his arms around. "I know what I have to do! I won't have time to raise a kid with the world as it is, but you two have that chance!" He sat up right and pointed at his best friends. "You two would look so good together and you'd raise a wonderful kid! You heard Boruto, his best friend looks like you two!" He was smiling. "I'm sure you two would make wonderful par—"

"You think that?" Sasuke interrupted him. "The kid recognized everyone... except me." He leaned in towards Naruto. "Why do you think that is, idiot?"

"Well, you might look different where he's from." Naruto answered.

"No." Sasuke smiled at him. "It's because he doesn't know me." He leaned back into the couch and stared at the ceiling. "If you and Sakura are both raising your own children in the Leaf Village, then who is out on missions?"

"Sasuke, c'mon you don't know that." Naruto stood up and peered down at his friend.

"He's right Naruto." Sakura shrugged. "When have we three been together like this in the last fifteen years? It's a miracle that we're together for your inauguration."

"You two don't understand." Naruto's voice was earnest. "I can handle this alone. There's no reason that you two can't—"

"There is a reason Naruto." Sakura caught him off. "I know you mean well and I can understand why you're saying this after having met that kid, but this isn't a time of peace." Sakura stood up and placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder. "Like our senseis before us we have a duty to the future generations."

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