06 • glass houses

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"you stabbed me in the back,
but not deep enough."

andy's pov

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andy's pov

"she's a fucking demon."

hours had passed since my little altercation with dahlia. despite my best efforts, none of my bandmates were wanting to accept my 'no, don't wanna talk about it' as a good enough answer to their onslaught of 'what the fuck is wrong with you?'s.

and sitting bored in our dressing room with not much else to talk about certainly wasn't making it any better.

"she's a five foot tall, twenty some year old girl, andy." jinxx spoke in what was somehow the kindest language i'd heard in the past few hours. "what the hell could she have possibly done to you to make you act like that?"

"you guys don't know her like i do." i insisted, knowing i was right regardless of whether a single one of them wanted to trust me.

"dude, i'm gonna be honest. i don't give a shit who she is, what she did or what she might still do." jake chipped in. "i've just.. i've never seen you act like that before."

"she just.. she angers me in a way i don't think anyone else ever could accomplish." i laid my truth out on the table, pacing with slow steps around the room while everyone else sat. i felt like i had a million eyes on me rather than just the eight i was so used to.

"okay, well." jinxx shook his head and rubbed the spot just above the bridge of his nose, like the frustrated father-like figure he'd always been for the group. "just.. be an adult and control it. we're here to do our jobs. you're gonna get yourself punched if you keep acting like you did out there."

"for real." our lead guitarist continued, not a single moment between their scolding for me to get in a word if i wanted to. "if her and her brother both had a little less of a moral compass, they could've just let their bassist fuckin' jump you."

"i would've just let him." cc added.

"thanks, guys." my head shot to our drummer who was leaning against the wall, unmoving, then back to the rest of my band. "your support really warms my heart."

"i'll support you when you stop acting like an ass." cc immediately retorted, not usually one to take sarcasm and not give it right back. "i just wanna know what this girl could've done to you that was so awful that you would hold a grudge this goddamn long."

"seriously." jake's hand motioned to cc to dramatically show us all that he agreed. "like, how long has it been since you were in high school?"

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