05 • what it cost

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" it's such a shame..
you couldn't change,
look what it cost. "


narrator's pov

night of the first show - los angeles, ca

"you're overreacting." damien shook his head as he walked right alongside dahlia. the two led the group of instrumentalists behind them through the long hallway of their venue for the night. "he barely even looked at you."

"if you seriously think that, you were not paying attention." dahlia grumbled, eyes facing away from her brother after she ranted off about the night before. "i was standing in front of the stage with chris and when he walked in it was like– it was like he was trying to get me to run over punch him in the fucking face."

"he does have a pretty punchable face." eric chipped in, tucking his pair of drumsticks in his back pocket, after he'd been playing around with them in his hands for the last few minutes.

"don't feed into this, please." damien's dark eyes turned behind his back. "none of us are gonna like him, lia." he focused back on his sister. "but you're gonna come out feeling like the better person if you just act decent to him. he'll feel like shit for being awful to you if you're nice."

"yeah. uh. no. fuck that let your conscious be your guide bullshit, fawn." kurt added, shaking his head as the five of them reached the end of the hallway. he went ahead of the group and snatched the door handle, pulling it open harshly. "he's like– the douchy-ist of bags. treat him like one." he walked off having said what he needed to.

"no, don't do that." damien practically chased after kurt for his straight forward, cynical advice, leaving dahlia with eric and andrew.

"do whatever you want, lia." andrew slowly and gently approached her side. "i know you don't like talking about it and i've told you i'll never ask– but if he hurt you, you don't need to try to be his friend. i just don't know that adding fuel to the fire is gonna help your heart heal."

"what he said." their gentle giant of a drummer pushed his glasses up, never really being one for words. "do what's best for you."

"thanks, guys." dahlia breathed in and out, folding her arms over each other and letting her eyes bounce around before they all approached the now open door to the large backstage area. both bands were visible from where they stood, gathered in little groups. she tilted her head towards andrew with eyes still forwards to the door.

"do you have anymore of that lavender shit we smoked the other day." she asked blankly without much expression to her voice, not trying to tell the entire world about her guitarist's drug supply.

"oh, your brother is gonna hate living with us." was all he said, grinning and shaking his head. he brought enough of a smile onto dahlia's face to get her to feel okay walking backstage. they quickly bumped their fists together, before taking the first few steps over the doorway and into the wide room.

the three walked on pace in a triangle, the two boys standing protectively behind dahlia as they carried themselves across the floor.

"hm." andrew muffled his laugh under his breath, trying not to be too obvious. "looks like you've got someone's attention." he grinned at the floor as he caught up with dahlia to mutter a little tip to her.

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