I laughed, holding the strand away from the rest of her hair. "It isn't that bad."

"Will I have to cut it?" Dom watched as I began moving the gum, pulling it slightly. I went to get some peanut butter and a comb, first making sure she was holding it securely. 

"No. This should only take a little while."

"You are the best, Ember." 

I gave her a hug from behind. "You make me the best, little sister."

"ai? Kai? Hello Kai?" I blinked out of this thought, a hand waving in my face. Sound seemed to fly back toward me. Everyone was waiting for a red light, watching me out of the corner of their eyes. The Noodlehouse was right on the other side of the road. "You good?" I turned my head to look at Jay. 

"Peachy," I hissed. I whirled around and stomped the other way. I wasn't going to go to a stupid dinner.

I heard footsteps running after me. "You guys go on ahead! Save us a seat!" Jay called back to the rest of the group. I turned a bit and saw that the light had turned to a walk symbol and they began walking again toward the Noodlehouse, Nya waving towards Jay.

I kept my stride. Jay matched it, keeping up surprisingly well. We walked in silence, completely the wrong direction. I was just waiting for Jay to open his mouth and start ranting, or maybe talking about random stuff, or even yelling that we are heading the wrong direction and that I promised him I would go to dinner with the gang.

But instead, he silently pressed on, walking wherever I chose to go. Finally I couldn't take it. "Jay! Just go! You wanted to go out to eat. Leave me alone." I stomped along.

"Ya, I don't think so," the lightning ninja was quick to reply. "It just doesn't seem safe for you to be walking around here at night."

"Because of my looks?" I hissed back.

He gave me a pointed look. "No. Because it is dark."

I glared at him, clamping down my teeth. "I am a ninja."

"That you are," Jay agreed. "But at the same time you are human. And humans like company whether or not they think they do." The city lights seemed bright and cheery as we walked, pinks and purples flashing around. Weirdly enough, it was calming. I sighed and took another turn, this time heading in the general direction of the Noodlehouse. I knew Jay was right.

And yes, that is hard to admit. Jay wasn't even speaking. He was almost just letting me simmer in my unhappy vibes. There was a few things I had to debate, and quick. Jay was with me, but following my lead, so technically I could just go back to the Bounty and hide out in my room until early hours of the morning. But, if I did that, Jay would tell Nya everything that was going on.

And I couldn't have that.

It was agonizing in a way, having Jay trot next to me like this and not talking. He was waiting for me to make the first move, whatever move I thought I should take.

However, Nya could not find out.

I took a breath. "I had another flashback." 

Jay hummed, telling me he was listening, but not actually speaking. We walked for another minute before I spoke again. "It was this weird moment where we were in a kitchen and I was helping pull gum out of Domonique's hair. At least, it felt like me. But I know it was Ember."

"So technically another part of you," Jay added in. 

I just growled. We rounded the corner for the Noodlehouse and I could see everyone inside, laughing as Lloyd was explaining some elaborate story. His hands were flying and Nya's head was back, laughing so hard she had tears coming out. Zane slapped the table. A little smile came to my face and I looked at Jay, who didn't even notice. 

He was fascinated on one sight. Nya. Normally I would punch the living daylights out of him but this time I just watched. He smiled when she did and she seemed to be the only thing in his world. I glanced back at the table.

Lloyd had thrown his arm around Domonique while Cole had taken over describing some sort of adventure. I watched as Dom had slapped Lloyd lightly and turned to Nya, saying something. 

Everyone just felt at home. 

"Shall we go in?" Jay questioned as Zane spotted us. Cole pressed his face on the window and tried to stick his tongue out at us which made the girls absolutely fall over in laughter. "That is, if you are ready."

I debated going for another walk, letting off a bit more steam, but I saw Skylar walk over to the group. "I think I am ready to go inside."

Jay held open the door. "After you."


theres another chapter guys! :) Remember to comment on parts you like!

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