10. My best/worst desision

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So I really don't know if anyone's gonna see this but it's really been a while since I've updated this book. In fact, I really haven't even been on Wattpad for a while. I hope everyone's been staying safe. Even though quarantine has been hard, I wanna share some positive ways it's effected my life.
1. It's helped me realize who's really there for me.
2. I actually like online school.
3. I've had time to focus on myself and my passions.
Following up on number 3, I've realized my true passion, videography, or in simpler terms, making YouTube videos. It's not even the fact that I'm just doing it for money. Like I actually genuinely enjoy making content even though it gets really stressful especially when you feel like you aren't growing. I'm gonna be honest, I've been SUPER stressed recently. I accidentally deleted one of my most views videos and now I can't get monetized unless I get 10,000 views somehow. I cried about it for days and it really made me almost give up. Even though it's been hard, I forced myself to keep posting and hopefully one day I could gain back those 10,000 views. That day could be one year, five years or maybe even tomorrow. I guess we'll never know unless it happens.

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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