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It had been an exhausting day of being a mother. 2 month-old Luke would just not sleep and it was so frustrating! Eventually, I had managed to put him down but not after hours of stories, feeding, pooping and changing.

I loved Luke in all, and I knew a Mother was going to be stressful but I did not imagine this!. All I wanted to do was snuggle up with my amazing husband, but, at the moment, that was not possible.

This was due to Percy working as a National Security Advisor, which was a day job, but some day's he wont get home until midnight but normally (and hopefully) he get's home at around 6.

Unfortunately, tonight was going to be one of those nights. It was 8 now, he should've been home ages ago. He worked in D.C. and we lived in Oregon/California but he had some agreement with Hermes for fast travel.

I sighed, this was normally the time of day I looked forward to the most, though looking after my baby boy was also a highlight (most of the time). I dreamt of breathe in his intoxicating aroma, I wanted to hug him, feel protected in those strong arms.... I wanted him to be home!!!. Luckily, in times like this, I had a clever resource to feel all of those things. Like I know I can't really, but its the best I've got.

His hoodies.

Yes, he had loads of them, but I had a personal favourite. His pure, white Nike hoodie. It used to fit him well before it mysteriously went missing (wink,wink). It's a couple too sizes too big for me, as the sleeves come over my hands and the bottom, ends just after my panties.

I don't care though. It's warm, It's cozy and most importantly, it smells like Percy. Yes, the smell had lasted this long. I was actually starting to wonder, if Percy was still wearing it. Might have to hide it better next time.

Comfortableness was not the only reason she liked wearing them, she knew it turned Percy on quite considerably and drived him crazy, so each time she does, she knows she gonna get a good kissing from her lover. 

Anyway, I went to my secret drawer, and unlocked it and took it out. I smirked when I realised how many hoodie's were in there. Seaweed Brain.

Pulling it over my head, I let the smell of the sea engulf me and overide my senses. I sighed happily, I was wearing just panties and this hoodie and a bra but that was it. My long, tanned legs walked my body over to the huge bed, I turned on THE OFFICE. People could be quite ignorant, but they knew how to make damn good TV shows. THE OFFICE was a personal favourite 

I brought the hood over my head, my hear ponytail groping the back of the hood. it was uncomfortable, so I let me hair out. I hunched into the hoodie, happily enjoying the paradise of smell that it brought with it.

Suddenly, the hours until Percy came home doesn't feel so long anymore.

A/N: Short, but sweet. I had based off a head cannon I saw, and then expanded it into a story. The image at the top is Percy & Annabeth's bedroom. Anyways, comment anything on the comments and don't remember to vote!



13/2/21 - (It was just short one I've been working on for the last two day's)

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