Save the Turtles

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A/N: Know this is not a 'Save the Turtles campaign. Lol.

As you enter the Jackson residence, you see a modern long corridor. The walls are made out of of a shiny, smooth wood. On the left was a mudroom, while two modern wood doors open up to a 21st Century kitchen. Adjacent to the mudroom was a wooded wall with just some decorations hung on it. That was last week. The wall now had a long, fish tan stretching from the very beginning. One problem...... it was empty. This problem, however, was soon to change. The house was now a frenzy of excitement. Annabeth was rushing to get one year old Bella in her clothes. The twins were tumbling down the stairs, which was impressive for three year old's. On the other hand, Luke was waiting patiently by the door - ready to go. Carly (the dog) was barking at a picture of a hand.

"A bit of help please, Percy!?," Annabeth asked me, exasperated. I could see why, Bella would not let anyone dress her apart from her dad, which I found endearing. I rushed over to provide my assistance. Once Bella was ready and in her baby car seat, with five -year old Luke next to her. I turned my attention to the twins who were playing with the dog.

"Silena, Charlie! C'mon.. we need to get in the car!." I urged them

"Okay daddy." With that, they literally flew into their seats, Carly bounding behind them before jumping into the trunk then sat down in her own seat. We were taking the Range Rover today. I put all the equipment we needed in the boot, closed it then sat down in my own seat. Annabeth had just finished buckling in the twins into their car seat, so she to climbed into the shotgun seat. Final checks complete, we headed off.

The volume in the car rose pretty quickly, Silena and Charlie were playing a thumb war while arguing over who one each round, in pretty much gibberish. Bella was asleep, Luke was reading, the dog was yapping and Annabeth was singing along to the music, which I did join into. What!?, I liked the American Authors song 'This Is What We Live For', pretty good song for road trips - as that's what its about. I smiled at my family, they were probably the best, craziest family you could ever ask for, despite the events that occur.

The beach was in about two hours away, but I knew it would be worth it. Who knew, me might even make some friends there - not like mythological friends, no, we decided not to tell our children about our world. One, they were they had no smell. Two, we did not want them to be killed. Bonus, the gods had managed to make a potion that hides our smell- which means no monster attacks!. The road stretched out in front of us, snow covered mountains in the distance whilst forests of emerald green spruce trees flanked us on each side. It was perfect.


I pulled up at our destination, the quartz white sand extending out into the ocean. The sky was blue, the noon sun was high on the sky and not afraid to pulse down the heat of the day. Charlie was the first out, ready and rearing to go..... until he was called back by an overprotective Annabeth. Silena, on the other hand, was already lathered in sun cream and used this to get an oppurtunity to get a head start on a sandcastle. I started my sprint down to the sea but was cut short by a frustrated cry from my wife.

"Percy!, get back here. You need sun cream!." Annabeth toned me.

"But the sea!." I fought back

"You can go in later, now stop acting like a five-year old and let me put some sun cream on!."

"Fine." I grumbled the certain age Annabeth just told me I was acting like, which was probably true. Bella was scooping up sand in her hand then letting it go again, whilst Luke took the full force of the dreaded sun cream.

"Mom!, I'm about to go in the sea. It will come off anyway." My son complained

"Better safe than sorry." Annabeth replied. I picked Bella up and bounced her in my arms, earning a happy giggle from my little Princess. Ten minutes later, I had finally finished being lathered up and was ready to play in the sea. Annabeth started applying sun cream on, so she handed me Bella. The dog was on the beach, running around with Charlie and Silena as they 'made' a sandcastle. I smiled.

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