Roman Girl

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Annabeth's POV

Having just defeated Gaea and her Giant army, We had decided to go into Rome and have a proper look around rather than the quick stop on our recent visit to the capital of Italy. We decided to go in pairs, Frank and Hazel, and Leo and Buford, yes I know,  but this time Percy said that him and Jason wanted to go by themselves, which was a tad suspicious but me and Piper let it slide. (Kind of). Speaking of me and Piper, we decided to follow them to see what they were up to because you never knew with boys. Currently, we had taken refuge behind a bush, within earshot of the boys - who were sitting on table by the Tiber river, they seemed to be discussing something. 

"Do you think they can hear us?". Piper asked me.

"You know, I am not quite sure" I replied

"Smart for the daughter of Athena" Piper teased

"Ha..ha,  very funny......Shut up" I snapped, a bit too loud, but luckily the boys did not seem to hear us. Thank the Gods.

"Hey look, there is two girls walking over to them". Piper told me and sure enough a pair of pretty Italian girls were making the way over to Percy and Jason, both with big smiles on their faces - making my blood boil, and Piper looked like she could kill and hide the bodies with 3 seconds and get away with. 

The boys turned around and greeted the girls with hugs, and for once they seemed to be fine with two girls about to start hitting on them (It happened a lot). Did they know these people? Were they friends? Or we they cheating?. I, once again wasn't 'sure', yes I know. The boys and the mysterious Italian girls were now locked in conversation, both had shopping bags and glasses on, both were tanned and very pretty and were wearing sweaters, and NIKE sports leggings with Air Forces on. I managed to catch their conversation however, with me and Piper listening intently.

The girls started talking in Italian and Percy responded in Italian. Wait what? and It went like that for about another ten minutes, with poor, old Jason looking extremely confused. At the end one of the girls gave Percy a slip of paper with some numbers on it, Percy then handed a slip of his own to both of them and then walked away, Jason on his heel. About an hour and many ice creams later, we returned to the Argo II. I decided to see what these girls were doing by innocently extracting information from Percy, which is not really that hard and will be even easier if I interviewed him at dinner with everyone else. We all sat down, Piper gave me a nod - I smirked and asked:

"So Percy, Jason what did you two get up too?" I asked curiously, trying to bite back a smirk that was demanding to show itself, upon my face.

"We'll I ran into some people, then we just you know went and did some... boy stuff?" He answered surprisingly confident, I was going to need to put his ego down before it got out of control. 

"Oh, and who were those people, Seaweed Brain?" I asked politely minus the last phrase.

Percy looked hastily, a look of terror and worry etched across his face. "Ummm..."

"Yes" I urged

"Well, I umm... they were my friends that I used to go to the school I went to in 8th Grade - there Italian though" He manages to ramble out

"Oh, umm.......... So how did you speak to them?" I smirked but inwardly sighed in relief.

"Well, ..........................

"Well, what?" Everyone was watching Percy now, waiting for an answer

"I... Speak Italian?"

A/N Yes, another short one, I hope you enjoyed it  - please vote, would mean the world.


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