So what? We can't keep running forever.

Simon looked towards the river pensively, until he snapped his head towards me, his eyes seemed to glisten even despite the darkening snow clouds that loomed over us. The snow can't hide our scents, he stated brightly again, but whatever revelation he had, flew over my head.


They're after your scent, he said as if I would understand. He sighed. You said you trusted me, right?


He exposed his canines before he warned, sorry about this, it'll heal soon.

Wha- Simon leaned forward his teeth latching onto my already wounded shoulder. I could feel his teeth puncture the already bruised and damaged skin as it drew blood, and an unwarranted whine left the back of my throat. He let go before leaning his body into me, his head nuzzling into my shoulder and neck. Now hurting worse, I wondered what one earth he could possibly be doing. What the hell are you doing?

He didn't respond right away, instead, pressed his whole body weight into my side. It should heal soon. They'll be hunting for your scent.


This way, your scent will be muted. I'll deter them away. Sorry about this as well. He huffed before suddenly throwing his entire weight toward me. I lost my balance immediately, stumbling back towards the river, my hind leg slipping on the sheer ice that had crept up the river banks. And just like that, the rest of my body followed until all I could see was the bubbles that escaped my muzzle and nose.

Despite how shallow the river was, being submerged in icy waters no matter how thick our coats were, was flipping cold. It seeped through the outer coat and meandered its way through the inner coat before the cold completely seeped through my skin and bones. Disoriented, I struggled to breach the surface, the sudden temperature drop making it hard to focus. It felt like a minute or two, until I finally got my head above water, finding the river bottom to ground myself.

As I looked back to where he had pushed me, Simon wasn't there. I turned and thrashed in the water as I swam to the banks. Shaking off the excess water I spotted him closer to the tree line. Something was different though, the stern gleam in his eye left a cold pit in the stomach. Something was wrong, why was he so far away?

Simon? He didn't move, and I wasn't sure if it had been the dip in the river or the nerves making me shiver this badly.

Simon! But he continued to step backward, the blood from my wounds matting his tawny outer coat. There was an eerie sense of calm plastered on his face, and that only made my nerves go haywire. Tell me what's going on. What are you doing?

There's a cave, he said calmly, like we hadn't been running for our lives a moment ago. Follow the river, near the lake. There's a cave. About a quarter up the mountain cliffs. It's hidden and out of the main paths from where rogues roam.

What are you talking about? Why-

They're after your blood, he stated, glancing over his shoulder where the blood had gotten on him. I know these woods like the back of my hand. I'll deter them away from the lake and mountainside. It's safer there. If I find some betas along the way, I'll send them there if necessary.

You're insane. You can't face them all. Come with me, I wanted to plead.

He chuffed, before glancing towards the forest. I'm sure the betas and other members are helping to fight. Besides, I know a lot of these rogues, Vince. They don't scare me.


Go, he pressed. I'll meet you there.


I don't know why I had listened. I had wanted to chase after him. My wolf had been growling at me for the past twenty minutes since I heeded his advice and followed the tree line that ran the banks of the river. Simon must've been right because I had only encountered one rogue so far. I hadn't even come across any other wolf's scent, but I had continued to run along the treeline, afraid that a rogue would pick up on whatever trail I still had.

Even as I faced the mountain, it was eerily quiet. I remained alert, wondering if this trek really had been that easy. But if it had been that easy for me, I feared Simon hadn't been so lucky. I only hoped Xavier, Lucas, or the other betas had been nearby.

Still, I headed up the mountain, as I neared what looked to be the cave Simon had described.

There was an unsettling air in the cave. It was larger than I had anticipated. Pockets of water near the back, with a couple of caverns that seemed to span at least twenty feet deep. Water dripped from the ceiling in a steady pattern, the echoes of its landing reverberated throughout the walls. Perhaps Simon was right that not many rogues knew of the caves on the mountain, nor had they ever ventured up the steep cliffs.

But before I could relax, a presence from behind made all the hairs on my back stand straight up. As the wolf's scent permeated the air, and a wave of recognition hit me, my wolf and I were on high alert.

Michael, I snarled, whipping around to face him. He chuffed as he stalked forward, his head held high as his golden eyes shone like beacons in the darkness of the cave.

Hello, brother.

Why? Why was he here? No, Simon was supposed to be here. Where was he? Was he hurt?

Where is he? I growled, resisting the urge to back away from him.

He tilted his head to the side before smirking. Simon is pretty clever for trying to bait my wolves away from you, but not smart enough. How adorable, he thinks he can handle all of them on his own. Too bad my rogues don't care who lives or dies, so long as it ends with your death. He forgets I know these woods too, there's not an inch of this forest that I haven't seen.

No, that couldn't be true. He was okay, I told myself, for it had to be true. Hoping the mind link could reach him, I called out to him. Simon?

It's over, Vince. Face it. You've failed him, just like you've failed yourself.

No, he had to be lying. Simon? Simon! Where are you? I was frantic. Had he been overrun with rogues? Where had the betas gone, or even the deltas? Oh, goddess, where was he? Had I really failed him?

Simon, please answer. I didn't want to give up, didn't want for us to get this far for it to end like this. Simon, please tell me you're okay.

Before me, Michael snarled and flashed his canines as he took steady steps towards me. The sheer scale of authority he displayed making it hard not to cower against the cave walls. This was more than just his casual taunts or shows of grandeur. He was out for blood, mine specifically.

My wolf paced around, agitated at the same predicament. There was no chance in hell I could beat Michael on my own. Between the wounded shoulder and my already compromised wolf, would I even be able to land a significant wound on him?

I chanted Simon's name over and over through the link, praying to the goddess that I once had scorned, to reach him, in hopes that he could hear me, in hopes that he was okay. Even if this would ultimately be one of my last moments, I pleaded that he could hear me. That he would know that my last thoughts were of him.

I shut my eyes, my wolf urging me to move out of Michael's path in some last-ditch of self-preservation.

As if the goddess heard me, in the faintest of voices, Simon had responded.

Stay still.

In a Heartbeat (MxM)Where stories live. Discover now