send me ur location

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it has been 5 months since kara has moved in with lena luthor. everything was perfect. the two girls are in the stage of their "relationship" where they kiss each other but never go past an occasional make-out; but kara likes to get a bit needy & demand to
make-out with lena when she's just in a bra & panties.
lena & kara both have started going to work again. it's probably been about a month since they've been back to L-Corp & CatCo. Lena sadly has to work today while Kara gets to stay home all day. kara was lying down on the bed while lena was walking around their shared bedroom getting ready.
"do u haveeee to go into work today lee? ur literally the CEOOO!!" kara whined to lena
"yes kara, L-Corp isn't gonna run itself! i'll make u a deal' she challenged, since it's Friday, i'll come home at my last meeting. they should ALL be done by like 1:30 & if they're not, i'll cancel & reschedule them to another day just to come home to u at 1:30. sound good?"
"yes that's perfect. please be safe, i love u."
"i love u more pretty girl, give me a kiss." with that, kara got out from under the covers & crawled on her knees to the end of the bed to her lover?her roommate that she occasionally kisses? kara didn't know what to label her & lena yet, they would have that conversation another time.
she snaked her arms around lena's waist while the other girl put her arms around the blonde's neck.
"i'm going to miss u today." lena admitted while pecking kara's lips
"i know, i'm going to miss u too. it'll be over before u know it & then u can come home so we can cuddle"
"okay, u call me at lunch?" "u know i always do. okay leave now before ur late."
"i'm the CEO, i can be late if i want. but yes, goodbye darling, see u soon." lena let go of kara with a few more kisses on her face.
"bye baby, love u."
"love u more." kara smacked lena's butt when she walked away with a smirk & a loud laugh. lena just smiled & shook her head.
with that, kara was left alone in the penthouse by herself for the day. it was just 6:26am , she decided she'll sleep a bit longer & maybe later invite maggie over for lunch because she knew the detective had the day off today.
it was 10:14 when kara woke up again. she decided it was time to get up & text maggie.

little danvers ♥️: hey mags, good morning. i'm off today while lee is at work & u know how much i hate being by myself so i was just wondering if u would like to come have lunch with me today. only if u can & aren't already busy. i can order in or make us something if u do decide to come <33.         10:26 am

maggie 💙: hey little danvers, good morning to u too as well & yes of course, i would love to join u for lunch. what time should i come ? want me to bring anything? 10:33am

little danvers ♥️: yay okay great. u don't have to bring anything but urself ! can u come at like 11? 11:15? whatever works best for u

maggie💙: sounds good, see u soon <33

after that, kara started to make her famous fettuccine alfredo that she knows maggie loves. it had only been a few minutes since she last texted maggie when she heard a knock at the door. she thought maybe it was maggie & that she was eager to see the youngest danvers.
"maggie ur here earl-" she said opening the door
"i'm not maggie." when she heard that voice, her blood ran cold.
it was 11:20 when maggie arrived to the penthouse. she had stopped at the store to get some snacks & goodies for kara. she adored the reporter. she saw her as her little sister she never had. she walked down the small hallway & was about to knock when she noticed the door was cracked open & then she heard the sound if someone was punching a pillow.
"kar what on earth are u do-"
maggie walked in on a sight that not only wanted her to throw up & to cry at the same time but something that made her blood boil. she noticed kara's limp body first, just laying there taking it all with a small pool of blood around her. he hadn't noticed maggie because he was facing away from the door. it was so quiet, all u could hear was fists colliding with skin & the small noise of what sounded like bones breaking.
maggie didn't even remember walking in. she saw red. she ran into the room & the first thing she did was kick the back of his knees so he kind of fell but before he hit the ground, maggie put him in a headlock & dragged him away from kara.
"you sick fuck. what's wrong with u. u like to hit women? that turn u on big guy? the way- 'maggie gritted her teeth as she started to squeeze as hard as she could' the way the she just lays there at ur feet while she takes whatever beating ur giving her? that make u feel good? i hope u rot in hell motherfucker" with that maggie squeezed with everything she had left. he passed out. or maybe died idk, she would deal with him again later. just for precaution though, she put zip ties around his hands & feet for when & if he wakes up.
maggie slid to kara careful not to hurt her she called "kara. kara can u hear me? it's me maggie. wake up for me babe, open ur eyes."
"maggie?" she said weakly
"yes hun, it's maggie, i'm here now. tell me what hurts u kara. where does it hurt?"
"my-my back the most. i think my ribs are broken. i can't really see out of my left eye. i'm scared maggie. my right thigh is also burning."
"burning? what do u mean?" as soon as she looked down she knew what she meant. william had cut her. it was bleeding pretty good.
"okay kar, wait here okay. don't move as much i'm gonna go get a first aid kit."
she came back a few minutes later with a couple towels, the first aid kit & clothes.
"maggie what are we gonna do about him?" she whispered
"don't worry about it hun, they're coming to take care of him in a few minutes, right now let me take care of u okay? can u sit up kara or does it hurt too much?"
"no i can manage if u can u help me."
"yes of course" maggie held out her hands for kara to take. kara reached & maggie slowly pulled the blonde into her embrace.
"gosh little danvers, u scared the crap out of me. i was worried." she held the girl for a bit "okay we need to take off ur clothes so clean ur wounds. is that okay?"
kara nodded weakly
maggie was sitting on the floor with the young girl. she had her left leg sticking out while her right leg was folded in. kara was sitting against her left leg & the side of the couch. maggie slowly reached for the bottom of kara's shirt.
"i'm gonna take ur shirt off now okay? let me know if something hurts."
maggie took it off with ease without disturbing kara's pain. what maggie saw made her wanna cry but also kill william. kara had bruises & cuts all scattered around her body. thankfully, her ribs weren't broken, just badly bruised. a few hits away & that would be a different conversation. she didn't want to make kara uncomfortable so she quickly cleaned the cuts & put a shirt back on.
"okay for this one, we're gonna stand okay? i need u to get circulation back in ur leg. i'll help u." the detective stood up first. she slid her arms under kara's armpits & carefully picked her up. kara winced a bit but eventually it went away. she sat on the armrest of the couch.
"i need u to also take off ur pants kara. i brought u some sweatpants to put on after."
she slowly took off her pants with the help of the brunette. maggie quickly cleaned the cut & helped out the sweatpants back on.
"all done."
it all hit kara at once. william was back & he had hurt me again. what if next time it's worse. what if no one is here to save me like maggie was. i started to feel the walls closing in on me. it was getting hard to breathe. my vision blurred even more & i could no longer see the brunette in front of me.
"kara. kara! deep breathes hun. take deep breathes. it's me maggie. ur safe now, it's just u & i. no one is going to hurt u anymore." kara started to breathe normally again but that didn't stop her tears. she reached for maggie & she happily accepted. maggie held her & let her cry. the blonde eventually stopped. she was very quiet.
"kar?" maggie looked down to see that she had cried herself out & fallen asleep. she slowly lifted the girl & carried her to the bed. she saw kara smile once she hit the bed. she knew where she was & that she was safe. she grabbed the pillow that could only be lena's & held onto it. she was so glad she got here when she did. a few minutes later & she would probably be at the hospital right now wondering if she's gonna make it.
she was gonna need to make some phone calls.
it was 12:15 when lena heard her phone ring. it was kara. she smiled. she also thought it was odd that kara called 15 minutes late without a message in advance. kara was never late to their lunch calls. maybe she was doing something she thought.

Lena 💗: hi darling
Kara: uh hey luthor. it's maggie actually.
Lena💗: oh. hey maggie, how are u? why do u have kara's phone exactly ?
Kara: oh uh, something happened with kara. she was attacked again. by william.
Lena💗: where is she? is she okay? how did he get in? where is he now? u know what, i'm on my way, send me ur location.

maggie didn't even get a chance to respond, lena had hung up before she got the chance.
lena's stomach dropped when she heard that kara was attacked again. she needed to get home.

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