safe with u

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TW//// description of domestic abuse -
it has been a month since Kara left William & has been staying with Lena. everything was perfect. but like normal, some days were better than others.
the second week kara was staying with lena, kara was having very bad nightmares & would wake up screaming.
it was about 11:30 at night when lena heard little whimpers. she was confused at first thinking she was dreaming but then she heard it again along with some mumbling.
"no please, please don't hit me. i'm sorry. i won't do it again." with that lena opened her eyes & looked over to her friend.
"please william, stop. ur hurting me. u said u would stop." lena's blood boiled. she hated that man for ever touching kara the way that he had.
"kara honey, wake's me lena. ur at my house, ur safe darling. wake up for me please"
kara woke up clutching her throat.
"AGHGHH" she screamed.
"kara, darling. open ur eyes my love. it's me lena. ur safe with me baby, we're at my house no one can hurt u here."
"i'm so sorry lee, i didn't mean to wake u. just go back to sleep i'll be okay. i'm sorry.
"hey no, don't do that. i'm here for u okay. but if u do want me to give u space, i will. i want what's best for u kar. we can just lay here, u can tell me what happened in ur dream ONLY if u want, we can watch a movie, we can go for a drive ? anything u want kara, name it & it's yours."
"c-can we lay down & when i feel comfortable, i can maybe tell u what happened?" she said with hesitation.
"of course kara."
lena & kara both laid back down in the bed together. what lena didn't expect was that kara closed the space in between them & latched on to lena like a koala. she draped her hand on lena's chest & her right leg over her thigh. she buried her head into lena's shoulder.
the brunette smiled. she was so happy she had kara with her.
"lee, can u play with my hair. please." the blonde whispered
"yes baby. want me to scratch ur back after too?"
kara nodded.
moments passed by. lena was slowly falling asleep.
"it was him that was in my dream." kara whispered. lena thinks that if she had swallowed she would have missed what the blonde had said.
lena rubbed her back in acknowledgment.
"i was so scared lena. i thought i was gonna die that day. i was so ready to die. i just wanted it all to end. he had kicked me so hard i broke ribs. i couldn't go to the hospital because they would ask questions so i just took whatever medicine i had for the pain. he had got mad at me because when we got to the house one night, i had forgotten something in the car, i think it was my purse. i said "oh my purse." i was the first one in the house so when i came in i had let the door shut behind me & i guess he was also right behind me & i let the door close in his face & boy was that a bad idea. i didn't even get a chance to touch the doorknob before he pushed the door open & pushed me as hard as he could to the ground. i hit the back of my head on the corner table. he grabbed me by my throat & raised me about 2 feet off the ground. i learned not to fight back because there is no use. he had me by the neck with his left hand & he punched me in the stomach with his right. i didn't even move. i just stayed like that. i didn't even cry lee. he had dropped me & just started kicking me. he kept telling me how worthless i was & that i didn't deserve to be loved. i believed him. in that moment i believed him. i could feel myself slipping away. the first thing i thought of was u. i was thinking 'what is lena doing right now? i bet she's at home watching good girls.' i was thinking that u were totally oblivious of what was happening to me in that moment & i started to cry. i cried because i thought about how u we're gonna feel if that was my last day here. i didn't want to leave u here all alone. i had promised u that i wouldn't. so i fought lena. i laid there until i knew he was long gone. after 30 minutes i got up. oh man did it hurt. i finally got up & i wasn't far from the door so it wasn't that hard. what was hard was calling u. remember that night i called u & it was like 10 & i called to hear ur voice. i didn't talk because i knew if i did i would cry & i didn't want u to hear me cry. u know me so well that u knew-"
"i knew that something was wrong & u just wanted to hear my voice so i told u all about my day. i told u my morning routine, who i saw, who i had meetings with, what i ate, & even some absurd stories i heard during some meetings" lena finished for her.
after a few minutes, i had said. "i'm not sure what is going on right now in ur life kara, but i want u to know that ur so important to life. u deserve to be oh so happy. i know u called me for a reason whether it was to talk to me or just to know if i'm alright. i'm just fine kara. i'm at home in ur t-shit as a matter of fact. i just finished eating dinner & i'm watching good girls. i love u so much kar, more than u could ever know." kara had cut her off
"u remembered!"
"of course i did, that was a very special moment between us."
"i just want u to know kara that i love u. i love u so much & i will do everything in my power to keep u safe. i will always always protect u for as long as i live."
with that, kara reached up & kissed lena like it would be her last.

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