꧁ELEVEN ꧂- House of intruders

Start from the beginning

"– Sorry"
Mick lightly apologised through his small smile." No? nothing can get pass Victor the death watch beetle , he'd scare a ghost away"
he says mainly directly towards his girlfriend which Fabian laughed at his response.
"where'd you want to sit?" he'd asked Amber but before he could get an answer the curly blonde already left leaving him alone with his own roommate

"later gators" 
Rhianna said as she departed away from the two boys going to her desk which seemed too had moved somehow. She now sat two rows beside Nina and Amber who had surpsingly gotten closer than they were few weeks ago, she started unpacking her belongings onto her table once she sat down when she heard "'You think I'm a genius?'" she turned towards her right side in complete confusion but didn't think anything of it, she silently prayed their class wasn't getting any test results today because she'd be extremely gutted if she failed this lesson whereas her mother would be disappointed that she isn't like her younger sister Milly who apparently gets better grades than her even though Mildred is only twelve years old.

Couple hours later every single student in year ten were seated in their normal seating plans Mrs Andrews eventually showed up once the bell rang signalling their first lesson has officially began. "Morning everyone"
she greeted whilst walking towards her desk holding papers in her hands. "Morning Mrs Andrews" they all chanted at the same time
"I have your French test papers to hand back here" she announced before moving around the room placing everyone's exams onto their desks, some were nervous others weren't.

Rhianna kept her eyes shut as her paper landed in front of her, she slowly opened them after their teacher left that row
she frowned when seeing that she didn't exactly do so well on this one subject.  "great" she mumbled soon as she saw  'F-' marked in red. well, her mother certainly wasn't going to be pleased about this news. She scanned over where she went wrong trying to understand why her Brain doesn't settle when learning a language that isn't English."I'm stuck doing French for two more years..how is this possible?" she uttered underneath her breath but turned her head once hearing another voice which belonged to her fellow jock friend.

"I got an A? I got an A!"
Mick cheered across from where she sat, of course what he doesn't know is how he got that high grade. He then got up just to hug Mara who responded with." I knew you could do it" although sounded slightly uneasy about his result and afterwards he went back into his seat whereas behind his girlfriend had witnessed everything.

"What's going on?"
questioned Amber whilst holding her own paper in which the jock turned around
"I got an A" he told her though she couldn't exactly believe it herself "what?"
she shockingly says and left her seat just so she could take a look at his sheet then compare it with someone else, she was now at his desk as  they were each going over the answers. "I'm sure I didn't get all of these, but maybe I just did some really good guesses" Mick said too her.

Those who knew how got correct answers where busy smirking to themselves. sitting behind miss Jaffary , Jerome thought it was the best time to be completely mysterious
"Stranger things have happened. eh Mara?" he spoke whereas she only grew even more anxious that someone might find out the truth yet didn't say anything at all.

"Settle down please. Amber, back too your seat" demanded Mrs Andrews when seeing the blonde looking over Mara's shoulder but couldn't since their teacher had called her out. From there the lesson went on until it was time for mid break , they weren't allowed to leave till a bell rang or she dismissed every single one of them..

OVER IN THE STUDENT LOUNGE ONLY SOME TEENS FROM YEAR TEN WHERE SPENDING THEIR FREE TIME THERE Still unsure about how Mick got one better grade than she did, Rhianna wore her black and white headphones she keeps in her locker for days when she doesn't want to use her normal wired earphones. She walked towards a couch where Jerome was sitting but noticed how Mara was using some sort of scraper on his shoes when she she sat down.

Dandelions - House of Anubis1 ✔︎ (edited)Where stories live. Discover now