Another day at training camp

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The next day

Everyone was so tired, especially me I almost started falling asleep standing there. "Good morning class today we begin a training camp that will increase your strength" Mr. Aizawa started yapping. "Our goal is to increase your skills exponentially so that each of you earns your Provisionary liscense" I really didn't have the strength to listen to the rest. I just stood the very tired as can be. "Look alive bakugo" he threw some sort of ball at him. "Try throwing that" "yeah sure like in the fitness test" he said nonchalant. "That's right, when you first started schoolyour record was seven oh five point two meters. Let's see if you've improved" bakugo started to walk to throw it. "Oh I get it his checking our progress" Mina exclaimed in my ear waking me up. "A lot has happened to us in the last three months maybe he could throw it a whole mile now" Sero said waking my other ear up. "Ugh it's to early" I muttered to my self. "COME ON BAKUGO!" Kiri yelled behind me. Which really woke me up. So I walked over to be beside Todoroki who is much quieter then my friends. Then bakugo threw it and yelled these exact words "GO TO HELL!" I felt low key bad for that ball. "That was seven oh nine point six meters" everyone was pretty shocked. "Oh wow that's not much" I said to shoto. He nodded still tired. "You've had a single semester at u-a and do to your very recent experiences all of you have definitely improved. But most of those moments have been put into mental power and technical skill. With a slight increase of stamina thrown in along the way. As you can see your quirks themselves have not improved much on a mental level." Well I don't know about that I feel a lot stronger in my quirk but his the boss. "That's why we're now going to focus on improving your power. He then made a horrifying smirk. "This'll be so hard you'll feel like your dying. Let's hope you all survive." I stood there for a moment. "I quite" I said almost walking away with Todoroki holding me by the shirt.

I started my training which started of I little hard. Breaking a steal bolder with my bare and with my quirk of course. I could hear most of my class mates screaming from the pain of using their quirk to much. I was just breathing really heavy almost dying over here. "Oh my god why won't the stupid thing break!" It started a small crack as class 1-b finally got here. I put my hand on the crack and used the vibrations in my hand to break the bolder. My hand started to bleed due to the amount of vibration. "My my god Ima die!" I switched hands then that one started to bleed. But the crack finally got bigger "OWWIE!" I kinda ignored the wild pussy cats introducing themselves to class 1-b. I started back to fixing my air vibrations but worked with my feet instead of my hands to reduce the bleeding I tore a piece of my shirt. I would then run and kick off on the steal crack into a flip. Using vibrations on my feet. I kept kicking to high of the steal, which made my legs hurts when I landed. So I tried to focus on the steal then jumping off after the vibration. Now my legs started to hurt. I didn't honestly think my quirk was that bad until I real had to focus on one thing and not go all the way with me quirk.

Food time

"Now remember what I said we're not serving your food anymore!" The blond cat said. "If you guys wanna eat you'll have to make your own meals. Starting with curry!" The green haired cat said. "Yes ma'am" everyone sounded dreadful saying that. "AHAHAH man you guys look exhausted, but that doesn't mean you guys can cust by making sloppy cat food!" The green lunatic started getting on my nerves. Iida started blabbing then said "let's make the best delicious curry in the world everyone!"

Todoroki started the fires for everyone. Then bakugo tried but failed. Momo said we should do it ourselves. "Hey shoto can you be a babe and lite my fire please"I smiled at him. "S-sure" he lit mine up. "Aww thanks" I fluffed out his hair. "You guys are adorable" Mina told us.

The food was finally done.

We were all so hungry, we ate every bite of our nasty cooking. "Wow y/n your hands are pretty bad" todo said taking one hand. "Ah yeah turns out my quirk is really hard to control" he starred at it for a moment and then kissed it with his lips. I was shocked for a moment then started blushing. "All better?" He asked me. "Y-yeah" everything was very much going just great. We all were eating laughing and just having a normal life for a second.

HEY GUYS AUTHOR SPEAKING HERE! Sorry I've been gone for so long. I've been really busy with my summer job and getting back to school stuff. I also am starting a new series called My Crazy Addiction if you like Hanta Sero you would really enjoy it. It uses one of my OCs of course

Little facts about Nero she's pan sexual, very strong hero if you like women power, and has a horrible dad. Yay daddy issues. But it's gonna be really comforting to read and hopefully funny. It doesn't follow along the show. It really just starts at their second year. There is also drug use, abuse, rape, and sex in this series. So give it a look if you are interested.

I'm also starting a new haikyuu series which is a Yuu Nishinoya x reader. Actually will be shorter than noya my old series but revamped.


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